Pedigree dog overbreeding and ethics of dog ownership

Were any canines found with short-noses in the wild like French Bulldogs and Pugs or did they all look like wolves? How long does it take to create a new breed of pedigree dogs like a German Shepherd? Is there a dark side?

4ZZZ’s Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic to chat about the health dangers of pedigree dog inbreeding as well as things to consider about dog breeds when choosing a pet is Rachel Allavena a veterinarian and Deputy Head of University of Queensland’s School of Veterinary Science.

For a deep dive… 

To learn more about Rachel Allavena's latest projects and publications, check out her profile page

Do you know what a Pedigree Dog is? Did you know the relationship between humans and dogs goes back at to least 12,500 years ago? 

This article explores the call for Brachycephalic dogs to be banned in the United Kingdom.

Finally here are some links Rachel recommends when considering owning a dog:

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