As people migrate from the South East of Australia into sunny Queensland and interest rates rise, many Queenslanders have found themselves facing enormous crowds at inspections and rising costs. While many people will find themselves running out of options, they aren’t alone, as a growing number of renters demand better. 4ZZZ journalist Mack Prentis spoke to SEQUR spokesperson Sam Adam about the issue.

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As people migrate from the South East of Australia into sunny Queensland and interest rates rise, many Queenslanders have found themselves facing enormous crowds at inspections and rising costs. While many people will find themselves running out of options, they aren’t alone, as a growing number of renters demand better. 4ZZZ journalist Mack Prentis spoke to SEQUR spokesperson Sam Adam about the issue.

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On-Air Story Conclusion

That was 4ZZZ journalist Mack Prentis reporting on the South East Queensland rent crisis with the SEQUR. 

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