All things La Niña & El Niño

Perhaps, you’ve heard that we’re about to experience a rare third in a row La Niña condition… Is number 3 the charm or is it a worry?  What does that really mean for us?

As scientists become more aware of how the oceans affect regional climate and their interaction across tropical ocean basins… can we more accurately create future projections on droughts and floods thereby saving lives and economic costs?

Joining Eliot and Toni to chat about ‘All things La Niña and El Niño’ is Andrea Taschetto, an Associate Professor from University of New South Wales’ Climate Change Research Centre and ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes.

For a deep dive...

You can find Andrea on Twitter and on her UNSW webpage.

What is a El Niño? What is a El Niño South Oscillation (ENSO) and why do they occur? Watch a simulation of a 1997-1998 ENSO here.

What is a La Niña? And should we be prepared for more flooding? For more on Australia’s rainfall patterns, click here.

Check out the Bureau of Meteorology’s Climate Model Summary and Climate Driver Update, both of which provide data regarding the La Niña.

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