Insects as an alternative food source - pros and cons

Recently, there has been discussions on adding insects to our diets. Insects have always been part of some culture’s diets, however lately they’re popping up on Western menus like cricket chips.

What are the pros and cons of insects dietarily going mainstream? How is consumption aversion in Western culture being tackled?

Dr Sandra Milena Olarte Mantilla from UQ’s Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Uniquely Australian Foods joined 4ZZZ's Eliot and Toni to chat about Insects as an alternative food source.

For a deep dive…

To learn about Dr Sandra Milena Olarte Mantilla and her research, click here.

The Edible Bug Shop and Grubs Up are stores where you can purchase edible insects.

To understand the production and use of the Black Soldier Fly, Goterra has all the information you need.

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