<p>Soniclines… this is what the world needs. I had the absolute pleasure of attending the Soniclines concert at Brisbane Powerhouse this past Saturday night with a few others from the Zed team as well as my eleven-year-old son, and let me tell you it was epic! So much talent right before my eyes, so much passion, heartfelt energy and joy!</p>

<p>Soniclines features three of Australia’s master composer-improvisers — acclaimed vocalist <strong>Tyrone Noonan</strong>, didgeridoo legend <strong>William Barton</strong> &amp; virtuoso guitarist <strong>Anthony Garcia</strong> — and the evening was a celebration of the release of their debut self-titled album.</p>

<p>The love and respect between the three of them was evident. It ricocheted around the room, creating such an intense atmosphere. I am grateful to have been part of this, to experience the musical mastery, and to FEEL it. The way these musicians are able to convey the story, you don't just hear sounds, they envelope your body too… goosebumps!</p>

<p>There were earthy folk songs and catchy pop tunes, and the music ranged from lush synth soundscapes to more traditional roots numbers. The storytelling ability of Tyrone Noonan was priceless, as was his fabulous green kilt! I found I couldn’t take my eyes off William Barton as he weaved the sound of the didgeridoo within a song, complementing the range of instruments and vocals so intuitively.</p>

<p>The trio were joined by a rhythm section of <strong>Brendan Watterson</strong>, <strong>Nick O’Brien</strong> &amp; <strong>Aaron Jansz</strong> on the night, AND we were treated to a special guest performance by <strong>Katie Noonan</strong>, who sang with her brother while Anthony Garcia captivated us with his guitar skills.</p>

<p>These musicians visibly love to jam together and are experts at creating musically heartfelt stories, from experiences they've had, historical events and with the hope for a better future. Hearing each artist and their individual passion amidst the songs themselves to fully appreciate their talent and style was profound.</p>

<p>I enjoyed their cool style and flair, the engagement with the audience, and their evident joy at being on stage together. And the encore was fantastic, so exciting, so incredible, so invigorating!</p>

<p>As I shared these details with a friend, I realised how it was such a privilege to be part of a rare night of incredible musicians showing us a glimpse into their playful experimental world. The three Soniclines musicians have busy schedules that means this unique band doesn’t perform live together often - in fact, it’s been many years since they last played a night like this one.</p>

<p>Being able to take my son along to see the pure artistic brilliance is something I cherish. While he had a great time, he has also now been exposed to more creative possibilities not to mention the normalisation of public brotherly love. Thank you, Soniclines.</p>

<p>- Tessa Bobir.</p>

<iframe style="border-radius:12px" src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/album/7xTSPbQTc2vkLbwoWv1b40?utm_source=…; width="100%" height="380" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" loading="lazy"></iframe>