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Nationwide, Australians are seeking an increase in government income support measures. The Australian Greens have launched a new campaign aimed at raising the rates of social security payments in Australia. The "Raise the Rates" campaign seeks to raise the current payments to above the poverty line and a crucial part of getting Australians through the current rising cost of living. To investigate this story 4ZZZ Journalist's Stephanie Felesina and Isabella Pesch spoke with Greens member Janet Rice and ACOSS member Charmaine Crowe. 


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Nationwide, Australians are seeking an increase in government income support measures. The Australian Greens have launched a new campaign aimed at raising the rates of social security payments in Australia. The "Raise the Rates" campaign seeks to raise the current payments to above the poverty line and a crucial part of getting Australians through the current rising cost of living. To investigate this story 4ZZZ Journalist Stephanie Felesina and I spoke with Greens member Janet Rice and ACOSS member Charmaine Crowe. 


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That was my story with the help of fellow 4ZZZ journalist Isabella Pesch speaking with Greens member Janet Rice and ACOSS Program director Charmaine Crowe about the need to raise job seeker. 

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