1. Metdog - Questions And Answers Regarding Computers And Screens (Album Of The Week)

2. Radium Dolls - Hit Song (Single)

3. Emily Wurramara - Magic Woman Dancing (Single)

4. The Melancholics - Colourful And Lonely (Single)

5. Kill Pill - Numb (Single)

6. The Wicked Messenger - Scottish Bands And Holding Hands (Single)

7. Kathleen Turner Overdrive - Sycophant City (Single)

8. Yirinda - Yirinda

9. The Trams - Somewhere Around Here (Single)

10. Melaleuca - Dog Licking (Single)

11. DAMIEN - Dog (Karoshi Remix) (Single)

12. Dr Sure's Unusual Practice - Celebration (Single)

13. Mitch, Please - Morris Mentum

14. Bad Sext - Hear Me Out, Eat Me Out (Single)

15. Mannequin Pussy - Nothing Like (Single)

16. Fhae - 2001 (Single)

17. Lovehaters - Lovehaters EP

18. Talk Heavy - The Montreal Screwjob (Single)

19. Gesticulations - Song For Dad (Single)

20. Nonberk - Omniscient (Single)