musgrave park tent

With Australia's rental vacancy rate at one per cent, we're told the homelessness crisis has never been so bad but is true? 4ZZZ Journalist Stephanie Felesina takes a look at the rough sleepers of Musgrave Park who have pitched up their tents for shelter and support and what will happen to them during Paniyiri Festival. To discuss this complex issue she spoke with Paul Slater from Northwest Community Projects, Kayrn Walsh from Micah Project, Trina Massey from Gabba Ward and the Housing Minister.


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On-Air Story Introduction

With Australia's rental vacancy rate at one per cent, we're told the homelessness crisis has never been so bad but is true? Well, let’s take a look at Musgrave Park where current rough sleepers have pitched up their tents for shelter and support. 


A temporary solution is being worked towards by grassroots organizations, charities and government to mitigate the risks for those most vulnerable, but concerns are high. To discuss this complex issue I spoke with Paul Slater from Northwest Community Projects, Kayrn Walsh from Micah Project, Trina Massey from Gabba Ward and the Housing Minister. 


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On-Air Story Conclusion

That was my story delving into the impacts of Paniyiri festival on those currently sleeping rough in Musgrave Park .


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