<span><span>- Aside from being an adept guitarist and soulful vocalist Dana Gehrman proves to be a songwriter of substance with an authentic and relatable voice; “<em>Every day I drag these aching bones from under the cover where my dreams are still warm”.&nbsp; These Days</em> is a song about being burned out, despite Dana Gehrman’s relative youth<strong>. </strong>Don’t we all know that feeling.</span></span>

<span><span><em>These days</em> is also the third single from the Brisbane artist's debut album <em>Find a Way</em>, and I reckon her strongest yet, with a groove that evokes cruisin’ big landscapes. Crikey though, the first two singles, the titular <em>Find A Way</em> with guest vocal courtesy of <strong>Tim Rogers</strong> and <em>Hands Tied</em> are hardly lightweights.</span></span>

<span><span><strong>Danny Widdicombe </strong>contributes distinctive slide guitar that is familiar and reminiscent of something, but I don’t know what or where from.&nbsp; Perhaps that is because the guitar on this track has a more traditional, twangy feel?&nbsp; Other players on the album in this mostly Brisbane affair include <strong>Dave Orr</strong>, <strong>Chris Bosley</strong>, <strong>Ben Carstens</strong>, <strong>Dan Mansfield</strong>, <strong>Rafael Karlen</strong>, <strong>Daren Skaar</strong>, <strong>Yanto Browning</strong> and <strong>Abbie Cardwell</strong>. What a band: saxophone, trumpet, Hammond, Wurlitzer, big sounds without being overdone.</span></span>

<span><span>Dana Gehrman et al traverse a multitude of genres including roots, funk, alternative country with ease, but the most prevalent aesthetic this record oozes is a 1970’s blues-boogie; that&nbsp; extends to the album’s artwork. <em>Find a Way</em> could be a soundtrack to a road trip with its varying moods along the way.&nbsp; From the grinding blues of <em>Howling Wolves</em>, set in a dive bar, to the swagger and attitude of <em>So Damn Bad </em>then you head back down the ‘70’s west coast with <em>Karet Rocker</em>.</span></span>

<span><span>As a collection of songs, <em>Find a Way</em> is an impressive debut from Dana Gehrman and I think she’s an artist to be watched, particularly if you like alternative country with a heavy dash of smokin’ boogie driven blues.</span></span>

<span><span>-Lisa Ditterich.</span></span>

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