<p><span><span>- Melbourne post-punk group Exek have released a new album on <strong>Castle Face Records</strong> titled <em>Advertise Hire</em>. The mutable band keeps their mutating sound as distinct as ever, taking post-punk tendencies to the dancefloor.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Advance single <em>(I’m After) Your Best Interest</em> lays it all out - a funky bassline, sunny delay hits, cowbell and a sense of looseness. It reminds me of <strong>Wire</strong> side project <strong>Lifetimes</strong>, or of <strong>Peter Gordon</strong>'s <strong>Love Of Life Orchestra</strong>. Funky, downtown sensibilities with funny diversions. <em>Unseasonable Warmth</em> is another favourite, with some beautiful harmonies being performed on trumpet and vox. This one really invokes some classic post-punk group, like <strong>Delta 5</strong> and <strong>Bush Tetras</strong>, but with a bit of <strong>Cured Pink</strong>-trumpet era thrown in for good measure. <em>Beyond Currency</em> is a nice long instrumental with a motorik groove of a krautrock track. The record ends with a subtle synth arpeggio and guitar in the soothing <em>Hiding A Smile</em>...and I love it.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span><em>Advertise Here</em> is an album brimming with grooves and experimentation, seemingly taking cues from dub, funk, jazz and no-wave. All these touchpoints merge seamlessly, resulting in an album of strong tunes. Exek founding member <strong>Albert Wolski</strong> ostensibly wanted to start a rock band that didn't sound like a rock band. They're succeeded in the best way possible.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>- Hillfolk.</span></span></p>

<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=148215475/size=large/bgcol=ff…; seamless><a href="https://exek.bandcamp.com/album/advertise-here">Advertise Here by EXEK</a></iframe>