<p><span><span>- I have no idea where American multi-instrumentalist <strong>Nandi Rose Plunkett</strong> aka Half Waif, found the time to record <em>The Caretaker</em>. Following on from her third solo record <em>Lavender, </em>and extensive work with folk rock band <strong>Pinegrove</strong>, Half Waif has come out with a luscious, baroque pop inspired new album.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>The evolution of Half Waif’s sound has me stunned in all the right ways. The hushed, yet unabashed vocal pop of <em>Lavender</em> was subtle, nuanced and unbelievably gripping; but for <em>The Caretaker</em>, Half Waif stretched the dimensions of her sound in order to emerge like a butterfly with a grand new sound. It's apparent immediately that Plunkett has a new direction in mind from album opener <em>Clouds Rest</em>, where she sings, “<em>Frustrated in my body / Going nowhere fast now</em>” - as if pushing the limitations of what she believes she is capable of creating. <em>Clouds Rest</em> is a perfect opener in this sense, an evaluation of how self doubt has prevented her sound from soaring the skies… until now.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>The record drives forward to encompass so much sonic experimentation. <em>Ordinary Talk</em> pushes the limits of sound design, with some of the most delicate, synth driven pop this side of <strong>Carly Rae Jepsen</strong>’s <em>Emotion</em>. There’s a real medieval or baroque feel to the hushed layered vocals that guide the song. <em>My Best Self</em> is, perhaps unsurprisingly, more self-reflective, as Plunkett determines to “<em>Be the one you want to be</em>”. This track is incredibly subtle in its structure, as it slowly oscillates in volume, allowing space for Plunkett’s voice to take a stronger focus. Even more so, slight vocal modification enhances her versatility, composing the track to sound like a duet with another side of herself.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span><em>The Caretaker</em> doesn’t refrain from featuring as many captivating moments in its second half. <em>Halogen 2</em> was a striking single on its own, but within the context of the record it breathes life back in after a less bold, plateau of tracks. I’d go as far to suggest that the best songs are saved for last. <em>Blinking Lights</em> is immensely beautiful, featuring some of Plunkett’s most invigorating vocals to date, with soft strings and crackling beats buried deeper into the mix. Album closer <em>Window Place </em>is haunting, featuring enchanting, almost gothic piano as Plunkett sings about how “<em>The view has changed</em>”, reflecting on how much she’s grown.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>Nandi Rose Plunkett and Half Waif, through self-doubt, learning to trust her intuition and self-expression, makes <em>The Caretaker</em> all the better. As she sings on <em>Blinking Lights</em>, “<em>I know what you’re thinking, I’m circling the drain / But my wings won’t be pinned down</em>”, there’s no room for any disagreement.</span></span></p>

<p><span><span>- Sean Tayler.</span></span></p>
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