<p><span><span><span>- Much loved and long-lived duo of Aussie beatmakers Hermitude have greeted the end of the pandemic with a record put together just before it. They were, at the time, a bit tired already and looking to take a step back, even just a little one, from the demands of their music industry commitments and the all-encompassing maximalism of their craft. Heading back to their home in the Blue Mountains and a simpler way of doing things, their latest album, </span><em>Mirror Mountain</em><span>, is a soulful tribute to both.</span></span></span></p>

<p><span><span><span>Like old rockers picking up an acoustic guitar, Hermitude left behind the largest part of their studio hardware, in favour of a very simple setup combining one synth, one laptop and a Moog Matriarch. So much, so nostalgic, but looking back, this return to roots, it brings with it a different emotional inflection, too. If euphoria is one of the key elements of Hermitude’s toolkit, here it’s a mellower joy. Honestly, who doesn’t get a bit that way when thinking about the past?</span></span></span></p>

<p><span><span><span>It affects all the music here, I think. Even at its most over-the-top -and Hermitude are still pounding out the bangers on the first half of </span><em>Mirror Mountain</em><span>- a song like </span><em>Promises</em><span> is cut with a kind of uncertainty, thanks to the vocal contributions of fellow Blue Mountains local, </span><strong>Andie</strong><span>. “</span><em>Promise me the world and no lies But baby don’t go back on your promises.</em><span>” It’s pure dance anthem, but you can’t hear those words and not wonder if everything is really okay in paradise. There’s a circumspection on the other big team-up, too, this time with </span><strong>The Jungle Giants</strong><span> on </span><em>When You Feel Like This</em><span>. It’s like the day after reaching the summit of your feelings. Hey it still feels good though and when it sounds like this -as if someone gave </span><strong>Hot Chip</strong><span> a shot of super-charged disco, well, don’t argue.</span></span></span></p>

<p><span><span><span>The second half of </span><em>Mirror Mountain </em><span>is, after making all that effort, happy to give up the energetic charade. </span><em>Golden Hour </em><span>really does sound like an echo of the old days and the early 2000’s instrumental hip hop of a record like </span><em>Tales From The Drift</em><span>. Hermitude go on to infuse it with extra layers and production magnificence, so you can still imagine them breaking it out on the festival stage without sending everybody into a coma. The introspection only grows as the record progresses, the nostalgia really is tinged blue. It’s strange to hear the lyrics of a cut like </span><em>Flush With Love</em><span>: if you switched them up with Andie’s moodiness on the otherwise ebullient sounds of </span><em>Promises</em><span>, everything would make more sense. Here, however, being ‘flush with love’ sounds like a bit of a burden and confirms the bittersweet taste that’s slowly overwhelming the rest of the flavour. In that way -and I’m not sure that anyone even cares about the record as a format at this point- it’s an interesting choice in tracking, to slowly drain away Hermitude’s trademark ecstasy, like, no matter how good the gig is, you know it’s going to end.</span></span></span></p>

<p><span><span><span>If I was going to be a jerk about it, I’d say that Hermitude’s contributions to bass music and dance were much more vibrant and on the cutting edge than their instrumental hip hop ever was; you could argue </span><em>Mirror Mountain</em><span> confirms that. As successful as they are, however, Hermitude can do what they want. As a late-middle career outfit taking a breather and a journey back home, it’s bound to be a bit of an emotionally complex experience. They are the Blue Mountains after all. </span></span></span></p>

<p><span><span><span>- Chris Cobcroft.</span></span></span></p>

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<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=4001243854/size=large/bgcol=f…; seamless><a href="https://hermitude.bandcamp.com/album/mirror-mountain">Mirror Mountain by Hermitude</a></iframe>