- Two piece Sydney outfit MEZKO have returned with their second EP Syzygy. It's a short and sweet three tracker that's buzzing with multidimensional tracks and expert production and arrangement.
You In Me opens the EP up with a grinding bass riff that takes you to the dance floors of Berlin, before delving into grimy analogue riffs and a pseudo spoken vocal. The longest track on the record, it cycles through different sections, which sees the use of dynamic and melodic variation, something which can -sometimes- be missing from music in the genre.
Come And Go is the melodic highlight of the EP, and sees the two vocalists step away from the vocoder a little bit and deliver a more varied vocal performance. The harmonies and soft voice effects imitate the signature, manipulated sound, but give it an overall more organic vibe, allowing the immaculate musical arrangement to take precedence in the song. This is the track where every inch of programming shines, as your ears aren't preoccupied with deciphering the usually hard to understand lyrics. Still heavy on the arrangement, this track has more room for all the parts to shine, and lets you appreciate some usually washed out sounds, such as the arpeggiated guitar riff that sits just behind in the mix, adding another dimension that's sometimes missed in their work.
They Like We Like makes a bolder lyrical statement than any of MEZKOs other work. Completely devoid of metaphors and floral language, the straight-to-the-point chorus lyric ”they like coke and we like acid” rhythmically slams into you over and over again. MEZKO are transporting you to a rave in the basement of an abandoned warehouse. Big drums sounds rather than the tightly controlled ones on the other tracks give the song a sense of wildness and danger, an apparent lack of control and inhibition. The aren't prepared to let it all the way off the leash however: the rest of the tune falls into line with their usual sound, full of grainy analogue synth riffs, gruelling bass lines and fat, fuzzy production.
Only just clocking in at ten minutes, it only makes the excitement sharper as MEZKO deliver an EP that's straining at the bit to make it to the dance floor. The length of the EP is counteracted by the quality of the music - the diversity of the different sounds showcases MEZKO's ability as multi- instrumentalists, as opposed to your regular producer who often hide behind the laptop. Not necessarily your usual punters' cup of tea, this record is a perfect blend of the lovable and strange. You'll find yourself seeking out the nearest warehouse rave trying to recreate its haunting experience.
- Olivia Shoesmith.