<p>- The British band <span>Piroshka</span> emerged with their debut album <em>Brickbat</em> in 2019 to a modest but respectable reception, considering the line-up’s pedigree. The most distinctive presence is singer/guitarist <strong>Miki Berenyi</strong>, her cool sing-song vocal approach unchanged since her peak days in ‘90's shoegaze legends <strong>Lush</strong>. Completing the line-up is Berenyi’s partner <strong>KJ McKillop</strong> from another ‘90's dreampop combo <strong>Moose</strong>, former <strong>Elastica</strong> drummer <strong>Justin Welch</strong> and one-time <strong>Modern English</strong> bassist <strong>Mick Conroy</strong>.</p>

<p>As Berenyi summarises, the first album was “Britpop” while their new studio release <em>Love Drips And Gathers</em> is “shoegaze”. This description is not entirely inaccurate, particularly enhanced by the fact that the musical roots of these musicians is an equal straddle of both genres.</p>

<p>Indeed, the new album does boast a more contemplative, atmospheric tone compared to the scrappier indie guitar pop of its predecessor. The opening track <em>Hastings 1973</em> is closer to a hybrid of Brit- and dream-pop, with the distant echoing synths and horn coda not entirely dissimilar to the more reflective moods conjured up on <strong>Blur</strong> and <strong>Pulp</strong> deep cuts. The Mellotron and synths are similarly evocative in <em>The Knife Thrower’s Daughter</em>, settling into a <strong>Broadcast</strong><span>/</span><strong>Boards Of Canada</strong> shimmer that leads directly into the ear worm of a lead single, <em>Scratching At The Lid</em> which is a luxurious shoegaze pop banger. There is a more exotic blend of plucked strings and twinkling xylophone in the leisurely groove of <em>Echo Loco</em>, while the beat gets proper Madchester baggy in the loose-limbed <em>V.O.</em></p>

<p>Lyrically, Berenyi and McKillop take turns, paying loving homage to each other, their childhoods, and families in songs both celebratory and elegiac. The almost <strong>Laurie Anderson</strong>-esque <em>Familiar </em>shows Berenyi better than ever at delivering a sparse ballad, before the static-y, electro-throb <em>We Told You</em> closes the album in a word-free blend of buzzing keyboards, throbbing motorik rhythm and disembodied samples of Berenyi’s voice.</p>

<p>To fill out Berenyi’s description of the album a little more, there is indeed a closer resemblance to the hazy shimmer of shoegaze on this album than the last one – but it also combines other musical elements and clearly audible, heartfelt lyrics in a manner distant to the traditional distortion and buried vocals that frequently go with the genre. It’s a subtle, thoughtful pop record that shows these veteran musicians sounding as fresh and ageless as ever.</p>

<p>- Matt Thrower.</p>

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