<p><span lang="en-AU">- Wilco have always had a penchant for country. Twangy banjos and wispy pedal steels are frequently peppered throughout their discography, but they seldom take centre stage on their albums. On Wilco’s twelfth album, </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Cruel Country</em></span><span lang="en-AU">, the eclectic band lean unabashedly into their country roots. Despite the country flavour, don’t go mistaking it for their </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Nashville Skyline</em></span><span lang="en-AU">. In true Wilco fashion – things aren’t straight forward. For starters, </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Cruel Country</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> is a double album (their first since sophomore album </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Being There</em></span><span lang="en-AU">), containing songs with extended jams, noise-scapes and psychedelic guitar effects, as well as dark, poetic lyrics. What is most incongruous with their latest release is the fact that the album was recorded live as a band with minimal overdubs, making it the first to have this approach since the 2007 classic </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Sky Blue Sky</em></span><span lang="en-AU">. </span></p>

<p><span lang="en-AU"><strong>Jeff Tweedy</strong></span><span lang="en-AU"> recently published a book entitled </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>How To Write One Song,</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> where he opined about songwriting and the many exercises he utilises in that endeavour. He's certainly been practising what he preaches, with a proliferation of material in recent years. While the outpouring of output from such a brilliant songwriter is more than welcome, the sheer volume forces one to wonder whether quality is mitigated by quantity. However, you would be hard pressed to find a bad song on any Tweedy release. Of course, average songs are expected to appear on double albums (even </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>The White Album</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> has its lacklustre moments) but the record flows surprisingly well for its lengthy duration. One of the highlights is the astronomy-inspired transition between discs, from the melancholic </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>The Universe</em></span><span lang="en-AU">, to wistful side two opener, </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Many Worlds</em></span><span lang="en-AU">. </span></p>

<p><span lang="en-AU">Despite the aesthetic homogeny of country-based arrangements, there are myriad musical forays along the way. </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Bird Without A Tail / Base of My Skull</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> has its lyrics lifted from the anonymous poem </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>The Man of Double Deed</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> which Tweedy melodiously recites before the band break into an extended jam. On songs like </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Mystery Binds</em></span><span lang="en-AU">, </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>The Empty Condor</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> and </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Tonight’s The Day</em></span><span lang="en-AU">, the band unleash their psychedelic and experimental tendencies, if only briefly. Elsewhere they play-up the country frivolity and songs like </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>A Lifetime To Find, Falling Apart (Right Now)</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> and </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Please Be Wrong</em></span><span lang="en-AU"> feel like dusty country classics unearthed from a forgotten cellar. Even when diving into a genre, Wilco can’t help but put their own mark on proceedings. On second single, </span><span lang="en-AU"><em>Tired Of Taking It Out On You</em></span><span lang="en-AU">, the band garnish Tweedy’s macabre, honest lyrics with deft licks and instrumentation, so adroitly that the result is haunting. It’s moments like these that make Wilco such a special band. Like </span><span lang="en-AU"><em><span>Dylan &amp; The Dead</span></em></span><span lang="en-AU">, it is the holy matrimony of brilliant songwriting and musicianship: simply miraculous.</span></p>

<p><span lang="en-AU">- Jon Cloumassis.</span></p>

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