Through a selection of engaging interviews and discussion pieces, this International Women’s Day special will explore the current scope of gender equality and the progress that is being made or needs to be made in a range of fields. We’ll look at how members of our community are pressing for progress in their area, through the lens of female and non-binary folk.
1:36 Charlotte Jones from The Amplifier explores the social movements for gender equality in the workplace including #MeToo, Times Up and Me No More and how it has been received in the Australian music scene.
6:53 Jacinta Bowler and Nadya Panagides from Natural Reaction discuss women in the sciences with the fantastic winner of the 2017 Women in STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Maths) Award, Jordan De Bono.
15:17 Radio Reversal pioneer, Anna Carlson, has a chat with Marissa Dooris from abolitionist based organisation, Sister's inside about their awesome work with criminalised women.
22:30 Alex Cambolvitch from The Slubbedigullion Show talks with Torah from Girls Skate Brisbane about women in the Brisbane skating scene and the groovy zine that they run called Skate Witches.
31:15 Luci McAfee has a chat with Georgiana Manion, a business and tech guru about her involvement in the biz-tech industry and the progress of women within this male dominated field.
40:05 A few "take-aways" from some of the fantastic women that attended 4ZZZ's Put Us First Fest last Saturday. It was a day full of workshops for women and non binary folk aimed at providing them with the skills they require to thrive in the music bizz. We recorded a few of the attendees telling us what International Women's Day means to them as well as packaging up a few tips from some of the gurus that ran the workshops.
A massive thank you to all of the contributors and facilitators of this #Press For Progress special and thank you to Brisbane artist and host of Mondazzze Clare Neal who created the arwork for this program.