imperilled plants

Most of us are aware of threatened species, however did you know there is an imperilled plant list? 

Plants can go extinct too AND locally one of Australiaʻs most imperilled plants is located right here in a Brisbane suburb.

4ZZZʻs Eliot Rifkin chatted about Imperilled Plants with Greg Tasney

For a deep dive…

Hereʻs the brief on the National Action Plan for Australia’s most imperilled plants and download the actual imperilled plants report here. And some info on our local imperilled plant the Scaly Myrtle

To learn more about the Threatened Species Hub and look at the current Federal legislation... Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and finally, if youʻd like to get hands-on volunteer experience and get involved with a local bushcare group... visit Brisbane Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee (B4C) or the Rocky Waterholes Environment Groupʻs Facebook page

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