Queensland Acclimatisation Society - key colonial player in the importation of invasive species

Have you ever thought… who and why did anyone introduce rabbits or some of our other invasive species? How did mangoes and sugarcane become synonymous with Queensland?

Joining 4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic to chat about what is an Acclimatisation Society and its Queensland history is Peter Osborne a heritage professional.

For a deep dive… 

You can check out Peter's article on what was the Queensland Acclimatisation Society, or the Wikipedia page. 

The Queensland Heritage Register has a list of significant places in the state, such as the remnants of former acclimatisation society gardens at Lawnton. Did you know that Bowen Park at the Ekka grounds was once a society garden and even had a whalebone arch?

Peter recommends visiting Trove, a library database portal of historic Australian newspapers, photos and more.

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