Image Credit: Anna Campbell/Stafford Community Hub, not Race Club

Stafford Bowls Club is a former community sporting club that has been closed and effectively abandoned from 2017, and is therefore in need of a refit. However, similar to other community clubs scattered throughout Brisbane's suburbs, locals are concerned the redevelopment plan places profits over community wellbeing, and are rallying together to have their requests heard by the local government. 4ZZZ journalist Catherine Strohfeldt spoke with several community members, and experts about the unfolding battle for the bowling green.

The e-petition launched by the Stafford community closes Monday February 13th, and can be accessed via the Brisbane City Council e-petitions portal.

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On-Air Story Introduction

Stafford Bowls Club is a former community hub that has been closed and effectively abandoned from 2017, and is therefore in need of a refit. However, similar to other community clubs scattered throughout Brisbane's suburbs, locals are concerned the refurbishment plan places profits over community wellbeing, and are rallying together to have their requests heard by the local government. 4ZZZ journalist Catherine Strohfeldt (Strow-felt) spoke with several community members, and experts about the unfolding battle for the bowling green.

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On-Air Story Conclusion

That was Catherine Strohfeldt's (Strow-felt-s) report on the community action surrounding Stafford Bowls Club, and the ongoing petitioning for an alternative, community-led Bowls Club hub, speaking to Joe Woolley, Dr Peter Walters, and Emma Hallen (Hah-len)

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