Three weeks into January and it is peak rental season for a housing market already in apparent crisis. However, for renters and other Australians in insecure housing situations, tenant-led institutions are stepping in to provide a helping hand and support network, as well as guiding those in need towards existing aid infrastructure. 4ZZZ journalist Catherine Strohfeldt spoke with Cassie, spokesperson for the Southeast Queensland Union of Renters (SEQUR), about what tenants should expect, ought to know, and an overview of the fast-growing renters' union.
Three weeks into January it is the middle of the first peak rental season for a housing market already in apparent crisis. However, for renters and other Australians in insecure housing situations, tenant-led institutions are stepping in to provide a helping hand and support network, as well as guiding those in crisis towards existing aid infrastructure. 4ZZZ journalist Catherine Strohfeldt (Strow-felt) spoke with Cassie, spokesperson for the Southeast Queensland union of renters, about what tenants should expect, ought to know, and the ins and outs of the fast-growing rental union.
That was Catherine Strohfeldt's (Strow-felt-s) report on tenant support networks and unions, speaking with Cassie from the Southeast Queensland Union of Renters.