When are Invasive Species Considered Native?

When are invasive species considered native? An interesting question, who answers it? Is it a natural phenomena… in the ever-evolving Earth?

Joining 4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic to chat about this deep question was Dr Daniel Montesinos, a Senior Research Fellow at James Cook Universityʻs Australian Tropical Herbarium.

for a deep dive...

Daniel Montesinos (Bio | Portfolio | Twitter) is a plant evolutionary ecologist at the Australian Tropical Herbarium (ATH) in Cairns, Queensland. Find out more about endangered and threatened species across Australia or in Queensland.

The Australasian Virtual Herbarium is a great tool to explore thousands of dried plant specimens, including ones featured at the ATH. Did you know scientists have discovered six ways dried plants can help people and the Earth.
To collect, press or dry plants, you can read this manual for a step-by-step guide... along with helpful information on preserving plant specimens. You must be mindful of regulations when collecting in your area as you are not allowed to collect botanical species from protected areas or Indigenous land. To identify a plant, send it for ID confirmation to the Queensland Government or donate to a herbarium.

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