Woolworths Hits Back at Wage Theft Claims

The Retail and Fast Food Workers Union allege Woolworths knowingly and deliberately mislead the Fair Work Commission by hiding the fact its staff would be significantly underpaid under submitted pay deals in 2012.

Retail and Fast Food Workers Union secretary Josh Cullinan claims that Woolworths swapped out rosters used to track the hours worked and pay rates awarded as compared to documents from 2009 in an attempt to manipulate the Fair Work Commission into “legalising” their wage theft.

Six workplace safety charges laid over Toowoomba $1.6 billion Second Range Crossing

Acciona Australia is facing $9 million in fines over six workplace safety charges after more than 18 truck rollovers on different sections of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing in 2017 and 2018.

The charges will be heard in Toowoomba Magistrates Court on March 20.

Labor promises $500,000 upgrade to Enoggera school crossing, and LNP proposes a $12M Cash Splash on Pedestrian Safety

Brisbane City Council has taken aim at the dangers of school and pedestrian safety, with Labor promising $500,000 to upgrade a Enoggera school crossing and the LNP proposing a 12 million dollar cash splash on pedestrian safety across Brisbane.

Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner has announced the money will be used for upgrades and the introduction of more than 100 speed awareness monitors and to connect sections of pathway used by schools around Brisbane.


President Putin may be Allowed to run for Presidency in 2024

Russian Constitutional amendments permitting President Vladimir Putin to run for presidency in 2024  were cleared to go before a constitutional court which if successful, will then progress to a public vote. 

Under current Russian Constitutional Law the 67 year old president is banned from participating in the upcoming presidential elections. 

President Putin, who has been in power as either President or Prime Minister since 2000 would be cleared to run a further two more times.

President Trump Authorized Military Action in Response to Rocket Attack by Iranian Militia Group

U.S President Donald Trump authorised military action in response to a rocket attack made by an Iranian backed militia group which killed two U.S troops and a British serviceman on Wednesday.

Although the White House has stopped short of naming the specific proxy group responsible for the latest attack they claim to have strong suspects.

This comes as the latest development in a back and forth exchange between Iran and the United States. 

Pledge of $3.5M to the National Strategic Action Plan on Kidney Disease

Health Minister Greg Hunt announced yesterday a pledge of $3.5 Million dollars to the National Strategic Action Plan on Kidney Disease. 

Over a million Australians are estimated to have a kidney disease, with 17,000 Australians losing their lives to Kidney disease during 2017. 

It is estimated that over three per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples aged 15 and over live with kidney disease, a rate three times higher than the national average. 

The Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix Possibly Cancelled

The Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix appears set to be cancelled today, after an emergency meeting between the F1 governing body in Melbourne was called to discuss the McLaren team’s withdrawal from the race.

In a statement released late yesterday evening McLaren Racing confirmed a team member has tested positive for the corona virus and is now under self-isolation.

The possibility of cancelling the Grand Prix which draws between 20 to 50 million viewers globally was announced at around 2:00AM this morning.

Mandatory Work From Home Day Amidst Coronavirus Exposure

Brisbane law firm Hopgood Ganim lawyers implemented a mandatory work from home day today while the offices are being professionally cleaned after an employee’s potential exposure to coronavirus.

The affected employee is believed to have been present at the office on either Wednesday or Thursday.

This comes alongside reports confirming KFC’s Deagon chain in North Brisbane will be closed until further notice after a worker was confirmed to have contracted the virus.

Brisbane’s Paniyiri Greek Festival cancelled

Brisbane’s Paniyiri Greek Festival was cancelled for the first time in over 40 years as anxiety about a coronavirus outbreak continues to rise.

Paniyiri is the country’s longest-running Greek festival and typically attracts thousands of visitors to celebrate Greek food and culture.

The chairman of the organising committee for the event Chris Kazonis said the decision was made after a consultation with the World Health Organisation, Queensland Government and Queensland Health.