Saving Feral Camels at Brisbane's Camel Farm

Did you know that we have feral camels living right here in Queensland? Do you know how the camels got to Australia or if they are an environmental problem? Are they being culled like the feral horses at Snowy River in Victoria?
4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted with Paul Martin from Summerland Camels to discuss his local camel farm as well as feral camels.

Ongoing Sudanese Civil War - Understanding the Past and Present

You made have heard of the recent conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine making headlines and receiving ongoing coverage in the media, but did you know there has been an ongoing civil war in Sudan since April 2023? In fact, this war has caused major humanitarian and economic damage with rival factions vying for power.

4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic spoke with Dr Noah Bassil, an Associate Professor of Global Politics at Macquarie University to learn about the current conflict as well as the historical context which has shaped Sudan today.

The Bone Bus

Ever heard of The Bone Bus? And no, we're not talking about a spooky Halloween bus ride! we're talking about a bus that takes care of your bones! So let’s get stuck into the bare bones of what this bus is all about! 4ZZZ's intrepid reporter, Anita Diamond, interviewed Elan Zwick from MeasureUp Australia to learn all about The Bone Bus.

Public vs Non-Public Consultation: Brisbane Olympics & The Quirk Report

Brisbane is scheduled to host the 2032 Olympics Games and there’s been much discourse over which sporting facilities should be revamped or rebuilt for the event and beyond. Some proposals call for stadiums to be built over green spaces, has sparked the old debate of infrastructure verses the environment and whether sports should be the ‘be all to end all’ for the community.

4ZZZ’s Toni Pankaluic spoke with Wayne Cameron, Catchment Manager of the Bulimba Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee to learn about issues involving public consultation versus non-public consultation over stadium projects in particular involving the Quirk Report.

Anniversary Week of the Korean War and Developments post 1953

Did you know this week marks the 74th anniversary of the Korean War? In fact, the exact date of the war’s outbreak began on June 25, 1950. In the English-speaking world, the war is sometimes considered the Forgotten War, perhaps due to being overshadowed by the long-running Vietnam War. However the war is certainly not forgotten by the peoples of both North Korea and South Korea with its ramifications still being felt today and tensions lingering between the two countries… who have undergone two very different paths.

4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic spoke with Professor Kyung Moon Hwang, Director of the Australian National University’s Korea Institute to gain an in depth understanding of the Korean War as well as learning about the post war trajectories of the two Koreas.

UQ Students for Palestine Pack Up Their Encampment for the Semester

On Sunday the 2nd of June UQ Students for Palestine activists packed up their tents after a month-long encampment that took place at the heart of the University of Queensland's Great Court. Over the past several weeks the campus has hosted rallies, and sit-ins and been witness to some of the biggest student activism events seen in Australia in recent decades.

What is the Dead Internet Theory?

Have you ever heard of a theory making the rounds in online forums and news outlets for the past few years relating to the rise of Artificial Intelligence and bots on the internet? Well it’s called the Dead Internet Theory, and you might wonder what exactly does it mean? Did the internet ‘die’ and evolve into something we don’t recognise or is there something sinister involving AI and bots?

4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic discussed the Dead Internet Theory as well as Artificial Intelligence with Dr Jake Renzella a Lecturer of Computer Science and Director of Studies for Computer Science at the University of New South Wales.

Taking road safety into community hands with Fatality Free Friday

Over the past few years Australia has seen steadily rising road tolls. The Australian Road Safety Foundation aims to counter this trend, and yesterday held Fatality Free Friday for this cause. 4ZZZ journalist Catherine Strohfeldt spoke with the foundation's Russel White, as well as with TMR Assistant Director in Road and Rail Safety Policy and Research, Darren Mulholland, for an overview of the event and kinds of behaviors and hazards leading to the increasing toll.