Magic Mushrooms - Pt2 - 1st Aussie Psilocybin Farm and TGA Approved Depression Use

In this 2nd part, we chat about Australia’s first psilocybin mushroom farm as well as deeper look into mushrooms.

Did you know, last February the Therapeutic Drug Association legalised their use in treating certain types of depression? Where are we at with the current TGA status now? Joining 4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin is Dr Alistair McTaggart, a mycologist who is part of the psilocybin mushroom farm.

Bingeing in Australia

From food and TV to illicit substances. There is no arguing that bingeing is currently wrecking the lives of millions of Aussies, Danny Shannon is urging Aussies to reclaim their lives and recognise how destructive bingeing is.

Danny recently launched an app called Encapsulator, that helps people journal in video form. Particularly aimed at those in recovery from addiction, Shannon used his past experiences as an addict to create this app to help others record their journey towards a better life. The app has already received a warm reception.

Exploring Artificial Intelligence in the Courtroom

Did you know Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in courtrooms throughout many countries globally, including Australia? However to what degree is AI actually used and do you know how these latest technologies are employed?

Can an AI be fair in the court of law and do they create more efficient courtrooms? What are the ethical implications of using AI systems?

4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic discussed these questions and more with Professor Lyria Bennett Moses, Director of the Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation at the University of New South Wales.

Cost of living pressures on charities - Loaves and Fishes

Foodbank, Australia’s largest food relief organisation recently reported “unprecedented” demand for food relief services, with expectations that this trend will continue. With rising cost of living, interest rate hikes, and rental stress, Australian households are feeling the impacts, and food is often an essential item people do without.
Loaves and Fishes is a non-for-profit charity organisation dedicated to caring for those less fortunate in the greater Brisbane area. the organisation feeds over 3000 people weekly across their services. They aim to continue to be able to provide emergency relief for those affected by the current floods, but face challenges due to the rising cost of groceries and essentials.
Loaves and Fishes are one of the 201 organisation that have been given a CommBank community grant of $10,000.
4ZZZ Journalist Harry Kuzewicz spoke to CEO, Scott Bourke about this grant and the cost of living pressures on charities.

SES Flash Flooding Tips

With storm season upon us, itʻs a good time to review flash flooding safety tips - whether at home or in the car.

Do you know how to protect yourself from hail or how to place sandbags? How do you manage an unexpected flood, what precautions can you take, where do you get sandbags and how do you place and fill them?

4ZZZʻs Eliot Rifkin had a discussion with State Emergency Services (SES) Director Brian Cox about safety precautions as well as yer round SES free training.

Do you know about the Earth’s Carbon Sponge or Regenerative Farming?

We usually only hear of emission reductions as the way to address rebalancing our atmosphere…

However, even if we stop emitting carbon dioxide now, the earth’s temperature will still increase. Drawing down the atmosphere’s oversupply of carbon by regenerating our soils replenishes our carbon-poor soils.

Carbon is essential for life and productive soils requires carbon. Over the last century our farming practices have been reducing the carbon stored in our soil - degrading it. More and more farmers are giving regenerative farming a go.

Chocolate and Pets

The Holidays are upon us, and that means chocolate to most people - however do you know the effect chocolate has on our pets? As well as the effect of some other common human foods that are no-nos for pets?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin spoke with Professor Rachel Allavena the Deputy Head of UQ's School of Veterinary Science.

​Upper Tingalpa Creekcare

Upper Tingalpa Creekcare is a new, innovative community water quality program designed for catchment landholders.

Who and what is involved in this new project? And what will it deliver for local residents and the environment?

In search of these questions and more, 4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic spoke with Wayne Cameron Catchment Manager of the Bulimba Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee (B4C) who is involved in the project.

Where Have Our Christmas Beetles Gone - You Can Help

Have you noticed a disappearance of Christmas Beetles over the years? These beautifully coloured beetles used to be all over our verandah lights… harkening the start of summer.

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin spoke with Tanya Latty from Invertebrates Australia to chat about their christmas beetle citizen science project and how you can get involved.