Government Announces New Crocodile Management Methods As Calls For Cull Continue

4ZZZ Journalists Stephanie Felesina and Joshua McIntosh investigate the state of crocodile management in Queensland. Stephanie Felesina speaks to State Member for Traeger and Leader of Katter's Australian Party about his calls for culling and the introduction of a new statutory body. Joshua McIntosh speaks with Dr Matthew Brien, Queensland Regional Director of Northern Parks and Forests, about the Government's approach.

Animal Problem Solving

Smartphone cameras and YouTube have captured a lot of previously unseen animal behaviour and it seems people are more accepting of animals intelligence, however how much further do we need to go in our understanding?

4ZZZʻs Eliot Rifkin chatted about animal problem solving with researcher Misha Rowell from James Cook Universityʻs College of Science and Engineering.

Designing Architecture with All Life in Mind - Not Just for Humans

Humans create our architectural and various other designs with our ‘own’ species in mind.

While most of us are now environmentally conscious of the biodiversity balance, when might we begin to consider designing our buildings and cities with a ‘More-than-human’ design and consider other species… benefitting all forms of life?

4ZZZ’s Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic chatted with Stanislav Roudavski from the ‘Deep Design Lab’ at the University of Melbourne about the ‘More-than-human’ architectural design movement.

Unhappy Valley: the Local Fight against Gambling in Stafford

In the North-side suburb of Stafford, locals have been lobbying against the redevelopment of their community bowls club beginning from late last year. The site has been largely unmaintained since 2017, and the new renovation plan is expected to bring in 76 poker machines, which has drawn further attention from locals, as well as politicians and the Office for Liquor and Gaming.

Solar Flares Effects on Technology

With all our reliance on computer technology, do we need to consult space weather to know when solar flares may affect us? Are we sitting ducks?

The processes underlying sun spots, solar flares and the structure of the sun’s magnetic field are still poorly understood even today.

4ZZZ’s Eliot Rifkin chatted about our sun with Dr Alina Catalina-Donea an Astrophysicist on how solar flares affect us.

Yellow Crazy Ants on the March

Here in Brisbane, a lot of us are aware of the battle to keep fire ants at bay. Perhaps some of us had an encounter with them or even had them invade their property.

However, are you aware of another unwanted ant invading Queensland… the Yellow Crazy Ant?
What’s being done to mitigate Yellow Crazy Ants from entering our lifestyle?

4ZZZ’s Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic chatted with Dr Cecilia Villacorta-Rath about how TropWATER scientists are tracking one of the world’s most invasive ants moving into our waterways using eDNA.

Traditional Indian Medicine 101 - Ayurvedic Principles

Many of us are obviously aware of our Western healthcare system, some of us use naturopath medicine and some of us are aware of the existence of Chinese herbalists…

However, do you know anything of India’s centuries old Ayurvedic medicine system of which 80% of India’s population takes part in?

4ZZZ’s Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic chatted about the traditional Indian medicine’s - Ayurvedic Principles with Dr Deepika Kaushal an Ayurvedic Doctor from Ayurvedic Wellness Centre.