Magic Mushrooms

Gold Tops and Blue Meanies… are these magic mushrooms, Australian? Do we even know all the psilocybin mushroom species here in Australia?

Thereʻs renewed interest in Magic mushrooms and they arenʻt well documented, joining us is Dr Alistair McTaggart, a mycologist who is trying to remedy that oversight.

Joining 4ZZZʻs Eliot Rifkin to chat about all things Magic Mushrooms is Alistair McTaggart from UQʻs Queensland Alliance for Agriculture & Food Innovation (QAAFI).

Deepfakes and how to recognise them

Weʻve received some funny videos from friends with our and friendʻs faces on an eCard or possibly Arnold Schwartzneggar dressed as Dorothy singing ʻOver the Rainbowʻ from the Wizard of Oz.

These jokes can be a lot of fun and amusing, however what about the onslaught of deepfakes arriving which are derived to sway public policy or smear peopleʻs reputations? Can your recognise those deepfakes or will you unwittingly accept them as truth and pass them on to friends?

How will you be able to detect mal-intent deepfakes?

Joining 4ZZZʻs Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic to chat about Deepfakes is Dr Klaire Somoray from James Cook Universityʻs Department of Psychology.

Our Ekka's history and how the showbag came to be

Another Ekka has entered the history books. Do you know much about our Ekka's history and how the showbag came to be?

...Or how this 100+ year agricultural show has evolved and where its heading in the future?

Joining 4ZZZʻs Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic to chat about all things Ekka is Brendan Christou RNA Chief Executive from the Ekka.

Lion Conservation in East Africa

Lions, they are the kings of the jungle. The pride of Africa. Almost synonymous with Africa when anyone speaks of the continent. But how long will these great creatures be around for? And how many are left? 4ZZZ's interepid reporter, Anita Diamond interviewed Dr Shivani Bhalla, Founder of Ewaso Lions, a conservation programme in Kenya, to find out about lion conservation in East Africa.

Unintended Owl Poisoning

Have you ever heard scratching noises at night in your home? or come across small, dark brown droppings? Eek… now you’ve seen a rat scurrying across your roof! So, you put out some rat poison. Well, owls and other animals may be unintended victims of your poison.

4ZZZ’s Eliot Rifkin chatted with Stefan Hattingh, an Environmental Officer about out how to handle rodent eradication responsibly without killing owls.

International Orangutan Day - All About Our Cousins

Did you know… it was traditionally believed, that the Orangutans could talk but chose not to, as a sign of their high intelligence… as they were afraid that they might be enslaved and put to work?

August 19th is International Orangutan day and it’s time for you to meet our cousins.

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted about ‘All Things Orangutan’ with Leif Cocks the founder of The Orangutan Project.

Reaching young people with autism through gaming

Do you think gaming is a time-waster? When we think of the autism spectrum, many now think of Sheldon from 'The Big Bang Theory' with his rituals and routines, however is that a true autistic representation or is his character even on the spectrum? How can people with autism make the best of their skills such as concentration?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin spoke with Alan Morgans the National Coordinator of The Lab Network about reaching young people with autism through social gaming clubs.

World Wide Fund for Nature - Tree Score Card

Australia ranks highly on many world rankings - like livability metrics and most of us feel lucky to be living here.

Our nature is wonderful, however sadly we also rank as one of the top in the ʻdeveloped world with the highest rate of deforestation'… Queensland bulldozes one tree every second!

The World Wide Fund for Nature-Australia has released Australia’s first national scorecard.

4ZZZ's Eliot and Toni spoke with Vanessa Keogh, a conservation scientist from the World Wildlife Fund for Nature to discuss Australiaʻs first national 'Tree Scorecard'.

Last Strawberry Farm Standing

Do you know much about The Redlands shire to our south? Were you aware it was Brisbane’s food bowl and was covered with strawberry farms? What happened to all those strawberry farms and how many are left?

4ZZZ’s Eliot Rifkin & Toni Pankaluic chatted about Redland’s history and its recent strawberry farm past with Vicki Ward from Redlands Museum.

The Purpose of radio and how it supports older adults’ wellbeing

We all know it – video killed the radio star. But did it really? Radio is still very much alive, yes that’s right you’re listening to it! So why has radio endured and what is its purpose?

4ZZZ's intrepid reporter, Anita Diamond interviewed Dr Amanda Krause, who conducted a recent study looking at the purpose of radio and how it supports older adults' wellbeing.