The Red Ride for Domestic Violence

With women’s security and domestic violence advocacy at the forefront of the public consciousness, many are calling on the government to to increase funds for support initiatives, service centres, and shelters. However, in Caboolture it is already the fourth year that community-led fundraising event, Red Ride, is kicking off.

Listening to Music to Cope with Stress

Ever find yourself listening to that favourite song? Or tuning into your favourite playlist when things get hectic and you just want some stress relief? Well, there's a reason for that! And it turns out that listening to music is indeed the best medicine. 4ZZZ's intrepid reporter, Anita Diamond, interviewed Dr Amanda Krause (James Cook University), who conducted a recent study on listening to music to cope with everyday stressors.

Plant-based Proteins in the Industry and on the Plate

Love them or hate them, plant-based meat alternatives are here to stay. With increasing concerns about budget, sustainability, and nutrition, Food Frontier has released an aggregate report on the industry and its path forward, including the place these food products have in everyday Australians' diets. 4ZZZ Journalist Catherine Strohfeldt spoke with Dr Simon Eassom of Food Frontier on the topic.

UQ Students for Palestine Encampment and Protest

At midday on Monday the 29th April, UQ students, activists and union members pitched up their tents in the Great Court in solidarity with Gaza. Inspired by the universities across Australia and the world, organisers Lauren Nook and Will Sim spoke to students, union members, local politicians and families on what this encampment meant, their demands and expectations for the following days. 4ZZZ Journalist Stephanie Felesina covered the beginnings of the encampment and followed the protest from the Great Court to UQ's Boeing Centre. 

Paying out Placement Poverty: Renewed calls for Mandatory Placement Funding

As cost of living pressures persist well into 2024 with little sign of relief, tertiary student advocacy bodies are calling upon the government to ease the pressures of so-called placement poverty. Particularly, these bodies, including student unions and activist groups, are looking to the upcoming Federal Budget and Government response to the Universities Accord as an opportunity for the Commonwealth to support its nations future teachers, nurses, and allied health professionals, among others.

Insights into the Alliance of Sahel States

Last year, the West African nations of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger established the 'Alliance of Sahel States', a new mutual defence pact in response to political disputes with regional organisation, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

These three countries are located in the Sahel region of West Africa which borders the the Sahara Desert. For over a decade the region has seen much political as well as security instability… and as a consequence the Sahel countries’ elected governments were toppled in military coups. In early 2024, the three juntas led-states declared their withdrawal from ECOWAS.

To learn exactly why these states decided to leave and what potential ramifications does this new alliance hold for the region, 4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic spoke with Dr Muhammad Dan Suleiman, International Relations Academic at WA's Curtin University and a West Africa security analyst.

More Support Services for Sexual Abuse in Regional Victoria

A new research from LaTrobe University highlights the struggles rural and regional victim survivors face.

The study, conducted along with the Centre Against Sexual Violence Central Victoria, shows how rural and regional women are revictimised, and why the numbers in these areas are higher.

4ZZZ & The Wire's Eduardo Jordan spoke with Dr Emily Corbett Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Melbourne University and Kate Wright CEO of the Centre Against Sexual Violence Central Victoria.

Digital IDs - Here and Abroad

Recently have you ever tried lodging photographic documents, such as passports into a government app and the system has asked you to upload to your facial ID in order for you to gain clearance.

Well this is an example of a digital ID and they’ve expanded across many sectors of society in Australia and around the world.

Have you wondered where exactly are we at with digital IDs and the debates surrounding these systems? Did you know there has actually been a digital id bill put forth in Australia?

4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic chatted about these topics with Dr Erica Mealy, a Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of the Sunshine Coast.