Insight into Cannabis and Driving

Cannabis use has become increasingly common in Australia for medical purposes. However, do you know how Cannabis affects driving performance or how governments are currently dealing with it both domestically and internationally?

4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic and Eliot Rifkin chatted with Dr Thomas Arkell a Research Fellow from Swinburne University of Technology’s Centre for Human Psychopharmacology about Cannabis and Driving.

Current Research in Koala Chlamydia Vaccines

Many of us Queenslanders are lucky to have koalas living amongst us.

To keep our koalas thriving and safe…
we take precautions driving slow in ʻkoala-signedʻ road areas, keeping our dogs and koalas apart and protecting mature 40-year old plus trees which koalas call home.

Many of us are also aware that our koala populations are suffering from general diseases like chlamydia.
What are the implications for them and what is being done to battle koala chlamydia?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic chatted about current research in koala chlamydia vaccines with Kenneth Beagley a Professor of Immunology from QUTʻs School of Immunology

Prostate Cancer - Panel of Experts

It’s Movember and November is Prostate Cancer Month so we have a Discussion on Prostate Cancer with… Dr Jenni Gunter - Senior Research Associate of the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre Queensland, Dr Alex Ngoo - Urologist in-training and Prostate Cancer Research Clinician, Joseph Box - Owner of ʻBrew on Brunswickʻ, and our own, Eliot Rifkin of 4ZZZ's Thursday Brisbane Line - a recent victor of Stage 4 - Prostate Cancer.

The Impacts of AI on Journalism

You may have heard about generative Artificial Intelligence apps such as Chat GPT or Midjourney becoming increasingly prevalent lately. The ability to streamline labour workflows with sophisticated AI has proved very appealing for many businesses.

However one industry is facing serious questions about AI's impact… and that’s Journalism. Since the digital age began, the traditional business models of journalism have been forever altered by the likes of the internet and mobile phones.

4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic chatted about what AI will bring to Journalism with Catharine Lumby a Journalist & Professor of Media Studies at the University of Sydney.

Understanding Floods & Their Cycles

Most of us see floods as only a catastrophe, however do you know how floods fit into the natural cycle of life? How can you understand floods so we can best live with them and mitigate their damage?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic chatted about floods with Dr Margaret Cook a History Lecturer at the University of the Sunshine Coast and an Honorary Research Fellow at University of Qld and La Trobe University. She is the author of "A River with a City Problem: A History of Brisbane Floods"

All About Sleep

Have you ever had problems sleeping at night? Where your mind is racing with anxiety thinking about what tomorrow may bring or you’re recapping a difficult day you endured and are mentally beating yourself up for a mistake you may have done?

Have you experienced insomnia? Wondered how dreams affect us? Or what are some good techniques to help you have a good night’s rest?

4ZZZ's Toni Pankaluic discussed these important questions and more with sleep psychologist Dr Frank Cahill.


Most people appreciate koalas and some of us lucky Southeast Queenslander donʻt really realise that koalas DO live amongst us... AND further yet, the stresses we place on living together with our koalas.

Did you realise that Cars, chlamydia and canines are the biggest koala killers?

4ZZZ’s Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic spoke with Professor Joerg Henning from UQs School of Veterinary Science who along with his colleagues have been analysing data from a UQ developed Koala database.