Forgotten History - The Bombing of Darwin - 19 Feb 1942

Most of us have heard of the World War II sneak attack in Pearl Harbor, Hawai’i, however do you know much about our very own attack on the Australian mainland in Darwin in 1942? The 19th of February marks the 81st anniversary of that sneak attack.

Joining 4ZZZ's Eliot and Toni to chat about the Bombing of Darwin was Dr Norman Cramp the Director of the Darwin Military Museum at East Point in Darwin.

Native animals as pets and bringing back extinct species

Could Australia have its own version of Jurassic Park? What if the Tasmanian Tiger could be brought back and what if you could have it or any other Aussie mammal as a pet? A world in which these things happen may be more possible than we think. 4ZZZ's intrepid reporter, Anita Diamond interviewed Professor Mike Archer, on “having native animals as pets” as well as bringing back extinct species, Professor Archer is a professor of PalaeoBiology at the University of New South Wales.

Stafford Bowls Club: the Local Fight for a Community Hub

Stafford Bowls Club is a former community sporting club that has been closed and effectively abandoned from 2017, and is therefore in need of a refit. However, similar to other community clubs scattered throughout Brisbane's suburbs, locals are concerned the redevelopment plan places profits over community wellbeing, and are rallying together to have their requests heard by the local government.

Queensland Acclimatisation Society - key colonial player in the importation of invasive species

Have you ever thought… who and why did anyone introduce rabbits or some of our other invasive species? How did mangoes and sugarcane become synonymous with Queensland?

Joining 4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic to chat about what is an Acclimatisation Society and its Queensland history is Peter Osborne a heritage professional.

Law Firms Merge Against Medibank

This week Australia Law firms Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, Bannister Law Class Actions and Centennial Lawyers have joined forces to run a landmark data breach complaint against private insurer Medibank in hopes to secure compensation for as many as 9.7 million current and former customers affected by the data breach in 2022. 4ZZZ Journalist Stephanie Felesina spoke with associate of Maurice Blackburn Lawyers class action team Charles Gibbs about what those seeking compensation can expect.

Balmoral Cemetery - Resting place of a local WW1 Indigenous digger and WW1 nurse - upcoming workshops

We had a chat last year with ‘The Friends of Balmoral Cemetery’ on Brisbane’s early local cemeteries.

Recently, they’ve had workshops restoring headstones and making the stories of a few occupants more accessible like a local World War 1 Indigenous digger (Thomas Robinson) and a WW1 nurse (Ida Mackay).

Joining 4ZZZ's Eliot and this time Toni to chat about their stories as well as some events coming up in the cemetery is Jenny Pearsall, the Vice President of ‘Friends of Balmoral Cemetery'.

Tenant Activism amid Queensland's Ongoing Rental Crisis

Three weeks into January and it is peak rental season for a housing market already in apparent crisis. However, for renters and other Australians in insecure housing situations, tenant-led institutions are stepping in to provide a helping hand and support network, as well as guiding those in need towards existing aid infrastructure.

Apnoea and Dementia causal link study

Have you ever awoke from a night’s sleep unrested and then been told you were snoring? You may have been a little oxygen deprived and some snoring may be a symptom of sleep apnoea.

...AND some people with apnoea may even be at risk of Alzheimer's Disease.

Joining 4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic to chat about her Apnoea and Dementia causal link study is Professor Elizabeth Coulson from UQ’s school of Biomedical Sciences and Queensland Brain Institute.