Does NAPLAN Tick The Boxes?

With The National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy also known as Naplan releasing test scores late last month, we now have an up-to-date look at where the nation’s students are standing. However, the results land at a time when standardised testing has been criticised for creating a heavy workload for students and forcing teachers into tight curriculums. In order to discuss this year’s results and to see the state of  NAPLAN today, 4ZZZ journalist Harrison Pedersen sat down with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority CEO David de Carvalho

Hit Song Secrets Unveiled

Ever wanted to know what’s the secret recipe for writing a hit song? Is it about making something catchy or maybe its something in the lyrics? 4ZZZ’s intrepid reporter, Anita Diamond interviews Dr Amanda Krause, who conducted a recent study revealing what may be the hidden secrets behind hit songs.

Apple: Picky?

Apple is world-renowned as one of the largest and wealthiest companies in the world, with nearly one billion dollars of net income made in the last year alone. Though despite this their employees often find themselves lacking the same working rights enjoyed by other workers. Recently, 4ZZZ journalist Mack Prentis visited the first-ever coordinated retail industrial action against Apple in the world, as employees demand their working rights be brought up to Australian standards.

'The New Front Line': North Stradbroke Island's Red Black and Yellow Shop

North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah) is a popular and accessible holiday destination for residents of Southeast Queensland that boasts a rich and connected past. With its strong local Quandamooka cultures, the island hosts a number of artists as well as a number of promising future commercial prospects for local business owners that could bring Brisbane residents closer to First Nations' cultures. 4ZZZ Journalist Catherine Strohfeldt and Hannah Kennelly report.

University Workers Pressure Employers With Joint Strike Action

The other week, workers from UQ, QUT, Griffith University, JCU and CQU joined forces in King George Square as a part of their continuing strike action after initial negotiations failed to yield a positive result. 4ZZZ journalist Samuel O'Brien spoke to representatives from the National Tertiary Education Union about the impacts that this has on the university sector.

The Land Forces Expo: A Look Back at a Controversial Convention

It's been a month since the Land Forces expo was hosted in Brisbane. Despite time passing, the event is still shrouded in mystery with the state government not yet disclosing how much they spent on securing the expo. Additionally, Brisbane protest groups have targeted the expo for its attempts to further militarize Queensland. 4ZZZ journalist Harrison Pedersen reports. 


Wetland Ecosystems Economically Save Valuable Assets and Lives

Our wetlands have been under threat by many factors for decades such as agriculture fertiliser runoff and property development to name a few… but did you realise that coastal wetlands actually can save lives and protect coastal properties from damage?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted with Diane Jarvis an environmental economist from James Cook University about how wetlands save valuable assets and lives as well as wetlands' eco-system contribution.

Scoot Over for Queensland's Newest PMD Safety Laws

Through the end of October, the State Government has ramped up an education and awareness campaign ahead of introducing stricter and more expensive personal mobility device safety regulations. With those fines having come into effect on the 1st of November, 4ZZZ Journalist Catherine Strohfeldt looks into the factors contributing to the increased legislation around Queensland’s e-scooters.

Vision to End Violence Against Women and Children

On the 17th of October the Palaszczuk Government welcomed the release of a new national plan to end violence against women and children within a generation. This new plan is a commitment from the government to a country free of gender based violence consisting of policies and frameworks that seek to address the driving factors and respond to them accordingly. Created in collaboration with victims and survivors, this new plan shows a shift from the previous that puts victims' experience at the forefront and focuses on prevention and education.