The Pacific Islands Forum

Last month was the annual Pacific Islands Forum when our neighbours to the East met. Do you know anything about this inter-government agency and what they talk about? Are Australia or New Zealand even members?

4ZZZʻs Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic chatted about the Pacific Islands Forum with Tess Newton-Cain an Associate Professor at Griffith Asia Institute who attended the Forum.

Soil degradation

Most of us probably think we know what soil is and how to keep it healthy. But have we really dug deep into what goes on beneath the surface?

Let’s get our hands dirty learning about our soil and what is happening to it. Soil degradation - a dirty topic.

Joining 4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin & Toni Pankaluic is Anita Diamond our intrepid investigative reporter to discuss soil degradation and its regeneration with us.

Breast cancer - its symptoms, living with it and research on the horizon

Many of us have lost loved ones to breast cancer or are living with it right now ourselves.

Do you know what the early signs of breast cancer are in order to mitigate the disease? How do you best manage living with the disease for 30 years? …and what is on the horizon in terms of research?

4ZZZʻs Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic discussed breast cancer with Professor Elgene Lim a Breast Oncologist at St Vincent's Hospital Sydney, and Lab head at the Garvan Institute

The South East Queensland Rent Crisis Explained

As people migrate from the South East of Australia into sunny Queensland and interest rates rise, many Queenslanders have found themselves facing enormous crowds at inspections and rising costs. While many people will find themselves running out of options, they aren’t alone, as a growing number of renters demand better. 4ZZZ journalist Mack Prentis spoke to SEQUR spokesperson Sam Adam about the issue.

Pedigree dog overbreeding and ethics of dog ownership

Were any canines found with short-noses in the wild like French Bulldogs and Pugs or did they all look like wolves? How long does it take to create a new breed of pedigree dogs like a German Shepherd? Is there a dark side?

4ZZZ’s Eliot Rifkin and Toni Pankaluic chatted about the health dangers of pedigree dog inbreeding as well as things to consider about dog breeds when choosing a pet with Rachel Allavena a veterinarian and Deputy Head of University of Queensland’s School of Veterinary Science.

The struggle to provide effective reproductive healthcare in Australia

In light of the recent US Supreme Court decision abolishing Roe Vs Wade, 4ZZZ Journalist Abby Wellington sat down with Lydia Mainey, a lecturer and researcher at CQ University who just finished her PhD. Lydia has worked across the world but more recently worked as a nurse unit manager at a reg​ional reproductive choices centre in Central Queensland. It was this experience that led her to pursue her PhD which investigates the battle nurses face against the Australian healthcare system in the process of providing abortion care. Just a quick warning, this story mentions domestic violence. 

black midi: Hellfire

While black midi managed to capture considerable buzz right from the get-go, it was still difficult to predict how the band would progress, Matt Thrower checks on their progression with their third record Hellfire.