Don't Let Coal Take Its Toll: Working Towards Low Carbon Jobs

As the conversation continues about combatting climate change, a Brisbane Union group is starting discussions on the measures required for transitioning workers into low-carbon jobs. Workers 4 Climate Justice Brisbane is a local group that is trying to shift focus and create awareness on Australia’s lack of an exit plan for coal. As the nation works towards net-zero emissions, Workers 4 Climate Justice is insisting leaders prepare for this transition into a more sustainable future.

The Nuclear Impacts of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

Russia is currently invading Ukraine with the hopes to regain control of the once soviet-bloc state. Conflicts in the north of the country are raising concerns in the international community especially around the nuclear reactors in Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia. The renewed threat of Russia deploying nuclear weapons has also led some to wonder what other powers will do once threatened.

Ladies, we need to talk about Tradies

Women make up just 3% of people employed in the electrotechnology and telecommunications trades, and only 1% of those working in construction, engineering and automotive trades. The male domination in these trades and trade courses is above 95% and the number of women has declined in the last 20 years. I spoke to CEO of Tradeswomen Australia, Janet Cribbes and started by asking why the manual trades industry is so resistant to change.

Ballet International Gala Makes BIG Waves in Brisbane's Arts Scene

4ZZZ reporter Bianca Wylie spoke with Joel Burke and Khalid Tarabay, two of the three directors of the Ballet International Gala. The Ballet International Gala (BIG) opened for its inaugural performance on January 26th through to the 30th at QPAC and showed for two more performances on February 5th at the Caloundra Events Centre.

COVID Drinking on the Rise

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation has recently released a report revealing that positive drinking trends are reversing, raising concerns around the health of Australians who drink above recommended amounts. 4ZZZ journalist Samuel O’Brien spoke to Alcohol and Drug Foundation CEO Dr Erin Lalor about the new findings.


Improving Post-Stroke Recovery

Stroke Is the leading cause for disability in Australia and conversations around these disabilities can be confronting to those who are diagnosed and their support systems. 4ZZZ journalist Samuel O'Brien spoke to PHD candidate Bonnie Cheng about her research.

"First-in-family" University Students More Likely to Suffer Mental Health Issues

For many, graduating high school and starting University is an exciting new chapter. But for some, it can be a daunting time causing stress, anxiety, and other mental health struggles. A new study by The University of Queensland and University of South Australia has found female students who are the first in their family to attend university have a higher chance of experiencing mental health issues compared to males.

Slow Clothing - A Way To Stop Clothes Ending Up In Landfill

The fast fashion industry is one of the highest causes of pollution, and Australians are among the top of the rank, disposing 800,000 tonnes of clothing and textiles each year. Majority of which end up straight in landfill, and 60% of which are synthetic and hard to break down. Jane Milburn is the creator of Textile Beat, a non-profit organisation educating people on reducing this waste through her philosophy of ‘slow clothing’.

New Book 'Bogimbah Mission’ plus hidden history of how Aboriginal workers were paid in opium

Did you know Aboriginal workers were once paid in opium or of the devastation wrought upon Queensland’s Badtjala people at the end of the 19th century?

4ZZZ's Eliot Rifkin chatted with Badtjala author and visual artist Dr Fiona Foley on both her new book coming out - Bogimbah Creek Mission: The First Aboriginal Experiment’… as well as her award winning book ‘Biting the Clouds’.

Meet the teenagers fighting for climate action in Brisbane

With both a federal election and the COP26 climate summit fast approaching, climate action is firmly at the fore of public debate. However, for young Australians, there is very little official recourse to voice their concerns over climate change and Australia’s lack of tangible targets to combat it. 4ZZZ journalist Tom spoke with three teenage organisers from School Strike for Climate Meanjin to hear about their movement and their efforts to have a say in their own futures.