Amal Clooney Criticises Australia's Press Raids

Human rights lawyer, Amal Clooney, has criticised Australia’s press raids at a press freedom conference in London, also attended by foreign minister Marise Payne. 

In her speech, Clooney warned that these raids could be used as a tool by oppressive leaders. 

Clooney says what happens in Australia will be noticed by other world leaders and set the precedent that limiting press freedom is acceptable. 

John Setka Set To Be Booted From The Australian Labor Party

Federal Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese’s plan to expel construction union boss John Setka from the Australian Labor Party next week has been thwarted in the Victorian Supreme Court. 

The ALP has agreed to delay its plans while the Supreme Court consider an injunction request from Mr Setka. 

The battle is set to drag on for months and the matter may end up in the High Court. 

Political Division Over Indigenous Australians Constitutional Recognition

In parliament, there is bipartisan support for constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians but politicians are divided on how this will be delivered.

Currently there is no mention of Indigenous people in Australia’s founding document. 

Indigenous delegates are pushing for a commission to advance treaties and make changes to the way Australian history is taught however politicians are unlikely to implement this level of change.  

Logan Village Yarrabilba Police Station Opens In August

The new Logan Village Yarrabilba Police Station is due to be completed at the end of next month.

The existing Beat is being upgraded and refurbished due to the area’s growing need for more response services.

A new policing division has also been established to take over parts of the Crestmead and Jimboomba divisions in order to ease the rapidly growing area.

The new France tax  targeting companies such as Google and Facebook

The French parliament is expected to approve the new tax targeting companies such as Google and Facebook with a 3% levy on revenue made inside France.

Any digital company with a revenue of more than 750 million euros - of which at least 25 million is made in France - would be subject to the tax.

The US trade representative says the digital services tax is unfairly targeting American companies.

Sir David Attenborough has called out international leaders for inaction on climate change

Sir David Attenborough has called out international leaders for inaction on climate change, using Australia as an example.

He spoke yesterday to the UK parliament's Business, Energy and Industrial strategy Committee, saying "it’s extraordinary that leaders, notably in the US and Australia continue to deny the science behind climate change".

The BBC broadcaster said Australia is already facing some of the most extreme manifestations of climate change - notably the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef.


Conservative MP Craig Kelly has warned Ken Wyatt

Conservative MP Craig Kelly has warned Ken Wyatt that he could campaign for the no side of Indigenous recognition.

Wyatt used his major Naidoc week speech to put constitutional recognition back on the agenda after the election, he said he wants to create a model of the First Nations voice from the Uluru statement.

Mr Kelly said he and other Liberal and National MPs would oppose any divisive proposal.


 The Animals Australia group is planning to seek a court injunction

 The Animals Australia group is planning to seek a court injunction to stop tens-of-thousands of sheep being transported to the Middle East.

Animals Australia legal counsel Shatha Hamade said the welfare of the sheep was of great concern.

The Australian Livestock Exporters' Council said there was less of a heat risk for sheep being transported to the Middle East, because it was dry as opposed to humid.

Queensland Mining Minister Anthony Lynham has called for a refocus on safety in mining

Queensland Mining Minister Anthony Lynham has called for a refocus on safety in mining after the deaths of six workers over the last year.

An emergency summit on the 10th of July between the Government, industry companies, unions and the Queensland Resources Council brought a decision that every Queensland mine and quarry worker will receive extra safety training.

CFMEU Mining and Energy Queensland President Steve Smyth said they cannot afford to fail; too many lives have been lost already.