‘Action now’: the farmers standing up against wilful ignorance on climate

Agricultural thinktank, the Australian Farm Institute gathered farmers and their advocacy groups this week to talk about the impacts of global warming on the already hazardous business of farming.

Despite popular opinion after the federal election, the meeting revealed regional business’ increasing concern with environmental risk and their attempts to find new income streams.

Hong Kong protesters expelled from parliament

Hong Kong police have evicted the protestors who stormed and damaged the parliament building earlier today.


Police used tear gas to expel protesters after political leader Carrie Lam held a press conference in which she condemned the "extreme use of violence" from those who broke into the legislature.


It follows weeks of unrest in the city over a controversial extradition law.

Study suggests Russian social media trolls had impact on 2016 elections.

A new study has found that for every 25,000 retweets that a known Russian troll account received during the 2016 US elections Donald Trump’s poll numbers jumped one percent.


The study was conducted by a team headed at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville who analysed seven hundred and seventy thousand (770,000) tweets from known Russian troll accounts as well as corresponding poll data.


900 million plastic bags saved a year after ban

A total of 900 million single-use plastic bags do not exist thanks to the statewide plastic bag ban, which came into effect a year ago on Monday, according to the National Retail Association.

Despite early criticisms and consumer backlash, the eco-friendly policy appears to have swept across Queensland as the number of plastic bags given out by retailers has plummeted.

Queensland Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch says there has been at least a 70 per cent drop in plastic bag litter since the introduction of the ban.

New hope for Great Barrier Reef as nearby island shows remarkable coral growth

Southern Cross University Doctoral Researcher Kay Davis has found an island near Gladstone experienced remarkable coral growth after Cyclone Hamish destroyed much of the island’s coral in 2009.

Calcification of the coral declined by 75 percent in the first five years following the cyclone, but things changed dramatically in 2017 when Ms Davis and her team found the coral system increased four-fold.

Queensland and New South Wales projected to not meet renewable energy goals

Queensland and New South Wales are set to fall short of their greenhouse gas reduction targets according to the Green Energy Markets advisory group but research found Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania are on track to hit their goals.

The Queensland government wants renewables to make up 50 per cent of the electricity mix by 2030 but based on existing wind and solar commitments, are currently tracking towards 29 per cent, a figure rejected by the Queensland energy minister.

Scott Morrison confident as tax cut plan hits parliament

The 46th Parliament kicked off today with the Morrison government’s income tax plan set as the first bill to be introduced.

The federal government will jump the first hurdle in its bid to cut income tax by securing lower house support using its slim majority.

The $158 million cuts are likely going to come down to winning Jacqui Lambie’s support in the Senate, as it needs four out of six crossbenchers to get the three-stage plan through the upper house.

Russian opposition leader Navalny sentenced to 10 days in jail

A Moscow court on Monday sentenced Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny to 10 days in prison for taking part in a protest in support of a journalist last month, a move which prosecutors deemed to be in violation of Russia’s strict protest laws.

Navalny was one of 400 people detained when police sought to break up the peaceful protest that called for the end of the alleged impunity of law enforcement agencies.

New York city hosts the largest Pride Parade in history

New York City held the largest Pride parade in the movement's history on Sunday, in midtown Manhattan.

The march paid tribute to the uprising that began at the Stonewall Inn when patrons resisted an officer, on the 28th of June 1969.

The parade marks the 50th anniversary of the infamous police raid on the tavern, the march was celebrated with exuberance and colour.