Three-hundred migrant children removed from filthy Texas border Patrol Station

More than 300 children were yesterday transferred out of a remote border patrol station in Texas following an Associated Press report of the abusive conditions under which they were held.

Some children have been locked in the facility for three weeks with inadequate food, water and sanitation.

Some children have been sent temporarily to another facility on the North side of El Paso, while around thirty still remain in the border patrol station.

Fire in the Everglades

A massive wildfire has consumed more than 17,000 acres of the Everglades National Park in less than 24 hours.

Officials believe lightning started the blaze Sunday evening in west-central Broward County and flames have spread quickly since with 0% contained.

According to the forest service, the fire does not currently threaten any structures, however it does concern drivers along two highways which are expected to be engulfed in smoke.

Former government media advisor seeking compensation for dismissal

Neil Doorley, a former senior government media advisor is seeking compensation for his alleged unfair dismissal.

Mr Doorley spent three years in the role to four different government ministers and claims he was unfairly dismissed by the Premier’s department in November, without a given reason.

According to Mr Doorley, the process will now be to find out exactly what was behind what he believes was a drastic action.

Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson introduces new Council Budget

Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson has introduced the $848 Million 2019/20 budget, forecasted to deliver a $29 million surplus by the end of the year.

Mr Jamieson said the council will responsibly manage their contributions and the budget to deliver further services and strategic investments for the future of the region.

According to Mr Jamieson, communities are our future and this budget focuses their needs today and into the future.

Whale entanglement highlights man made threats

The entanglement of two humpback whales on the coast of NSW has highlighted the man made threats marine life face at an increasing rate.

Two whales snared by buoys, ropes and netting were discovered over the weekend but marine rescuers were unsuccessful in their attempts to disentangle them. 

Managing director of the Tangaroa Blue Foundation, Hiedi Taylor, said the problem of marine debris has never been so great, with around 800 species being impacted. 

Sydney Mascot Towers building is sinking

The latest engineers report on Sydney’s troubled Mascot Towers revealed a new issue with the cracking building which suggests it may be sinking.

The report provided to the owners’ corporation yesterday said it appeared the building was ‘moving in a downward motion’ and urged tenants to remove all possessions.

Owner of the building, Fabiano Dos Santos, bought the Mascot Towers only three months ago and says he fears the worst.

Mideast talks on building a coalition against Iran

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo held talks yesterday with leaders in Saudi Arabia about countering the military threat from Iran by building a global coalition including Asian and European countries.

Mr Pompeo will face a tough sell in Europe and Asia, particularly from the nations still committed to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran rejected by President Donald Trump last year.

Bernie Sanders plans to cancel all $1.6tr of US student debt

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders unveiled a plan to forgive all US student loans, freeing around 45 million Americans from debt that would normally take decades to pay off.

The proposal would see the loans paid off through a new tax on Wall Street transactions in a bid to ‘make a full and complete education a human right’.

When proposing the plan, Sanders argued ‘the American people bailed out Wall Street, now it's time for Wall Street to come to the aid of the middle class of this country’.