Australia one of top 3 countries in the world weakening national parks

Australia is one of the leading countries in the world weakening national parks alongside the US and Brazil.


Over 200 million kilometres of national parkland have opened up to industry worldwide, with Australia reducing protections mainly for large marine preserves, such as the Coral Marine Park.


This downgrades of national parks are linked to industrial-scale resource extractions and construction projects.

Australian sushi operators fined for underpaying migrant workers

Three New South Wales sushi outlets have been fined $380,000 for underpaying employees, including several young migrants on working visas.


Migrant employees were especially vulnerable to exploitation as they do not know their workers rights in Australia.


The crackdown was initiated by Fair Work, with Sandra Parker the Fair Work Ombudsman stating the regulator was investigating under payments in the fast-food industry.

Not a single country set to achieve gender equality by 2030

According to the Sustainable Development Goals Gender Index, no country in the world is on track to achieve gender equality by 2030.


Agreed upon by 193 countries in 2015, the index consists of 17 goals which outline global efforts to end poverty and inequality.


Co- chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Melinda Gates told the Guardian the index ‘should serve as a wake-up call to the world’.

iPhone changes announced

Apple has announced major changes to iPhone software at its annual conference in the wake of decreasing company profits.


Although still popular, the iPhone is no longer reliably driving Apple’s profits and the company must prepare for further loss of profit if China decides to ban Apple apart of its ‘Trade War’ with the U.S.


Apple’s chief executive, Tim Cook, announced changes to video streaming services and privacy updates as well as getting rid of iTunes.

Film Review: Rocketman 2019

Clicking heels, shuffling chairs and a sequined devil confessing to a ‘life of excess’ marks the beginning of the Rocketman story. Elton John as a persona is slowly deconstructed as his character (performed by Taron Egerton), unveils himself from the devil costume before the audience. Listing a series of addictions and issues from cocaine to bulimia, Elton appears non-plus and restless within the support group.

Brisbane school tackles mental health using mindfulness program

Brighton State School on Brisbane’s bayside has started a mindfulness program which has shown an improvement in the wellbeing of students and behaviour.

Listening to calming music encourages students and benefits those who have mental health issues.

The Federal Government has pledged money towards the mindfulness program Smiling Mind as part of a mental health and suicide prevention plan.

Council replaces CityGlider buses

The Brisbane City Council has replaced 10 buses in the Blue CityGlider fleet, which runs routes between West End and Teneriffe.

Public transport chairwoman Krista Adams said the Council are committed to improving bus services to reduce the amount of road traffic.

Ms Adams said they could fund the new buses because the Maroon CityGlider operating costs were lower than unexpected.