Contenders clash over Brexit

In international news, UK contenders to replace Theresa May as Conversative leader have clashed over delivering Brexit during a TV debate.

The MP’s argued whether a new deal could be renegotiated with the EU, and the prospect of a no-deal brexit.

International Development Secretary Rory Stewart said it was a “deeply disturbing” option and the ex-Brexit Secretary refused to ruled it out saying every time one of these candidates take an option away it weakens our chances of getting the best deal.


Fodor's travel guide removes content about Belfast murals

The world-renowned Fodor’s travel guide has removed content about Belfast murals after it was described as “highly inaccurate and offensive.”

Professor Peter Shirlow, head of Irish Studies at Liverpool University said he found some of the content to be offensive as it plays upon sectarian myths of identity and culture in Northern Ireland, and has failed to deal with the murals in ways that is either balanced, appropriate or ultimately fair.

Cost and impact of injuries from powertools are underestimated

New Australian research estimates the cost and impact of injuries from modifying and using power tools inappropriately are underestimated.

According to the research, a third of power tool injuries are from grinders, mostly causing lacerations; followed by saws, causing amputation in about 15.5 per cent of cases; then welders, causing flash burns in 66 per cent of incidents; and drills, also causing serious lacerations.

Blackout in South America

Yesterday's electricity blackout has caused chaos with the South American countries of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay losing power.

The blackout left the entire country without power for more than 5 hours cutting off water, traffic lights and internet communications as well as closing stores spoiling America’s Father's day.

Argentina’s energy agency says the outage is under investigation but the official’s do not know what caused the problem.


Carcasses of whales to be disposed on residental properties in the US

About 70 whales have been found dead along the US west coast this year causing authorities to ask waterfront residents to volunteer their properties as a disposal site for the carcasses.

At least one Washington state landowner has agreed to the request from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries which says it has run out of places to take the dead whales.

Heatwave report

A report made this month by the Department of Environment and Science predicted a rise in Australia’s heatwaves and average temperature expected to affect people’s personal health, industries and the environment.

Average heatwaves are expected to rise from 32.5 degrees to 36 by 2090 and the average temperature of the peak of the heat waves will rise from 34 to 43 degrees.

Corruption between the council and Moreton Bay region industry tourism

Queensland’s crime and corruption commission has seized a $20 million contract between the council and Moreton Bay region industry tourism.

Moreton Bay regional council is not responding to the questions and previously declined to comment on the investigation.

Queensland local government rules require all councils to publish details of contracts worth more than two hundred thousand dollars.


The Brisbane Memory Lounge Program helping dementia patients

The Brisbane Memory Lounge program which has been running since the start of the year has proved to be so popular, the State Archives staff are now taking bookings for groups on average every week.

The lounge space has been deliberately designed to be “dementia friendly” down to the fabric and colour of the chairs, carpet and curtains.

Jordan Rakei: Origin

- Jordan Rakei was one of the earlier names to go big in Australia’s punching-above-its-weight neo-soul scene and certainly at the very head of the vanguard in Brisbane, back when he hung his hat here. That particular arrangement was a bit too good to last: the success he tasted, pairing his silky-smooth voice with dance doyens like Disclosure made his jaunt to London a permanent stay.