Petrol Girls: Cut & Stitch

<p><span><span><em>- Cut &amp; Stitch </em>is the second full length album from British / Austrian punks Petrol Girls. It is a record that will be received with some level of anticipation by punk fans, especially following last year's <em>The Future Is Dark </em>EP.</span></span></p>

Slush: Slush EP

- Slush make bubblegum punk to start parties. Raucous, sweaty and sugar-sweet, their self-titled debut EP is five slices of glorious feminist noise. Using clever word play, thrashy guitars and take- no-prisoners percussion the three piece out of Melbourne are here to say ‘fuck the patriarchy’ but you know, in a fun way.

Injury Reserve: Injury Reserve

- It hasn't been long since Injury Reserve first entered hip-hop's underground and yet the Arizona trio feel impossible to ignore. Self-titled debut Injury Reserve is their first release on a label and the first not distributed for free online. The group make use of previous projects as stepping stones toward a sound that's entirely their own.

Proposals in Place to Renovate Mackay Waterfront

A proposal to renovate the Mackay city waterfront is coming into effect today after being approved by the state government last week.

State Member for Mackay Julieanne Gilbert says the project aims to create jobs and give pedestrians and cyclists more access to the waterfront.

The 9 state-listed and 50 local-listed heritage sites in the precincts around the waterfront will be preserved in the development.

Youth are The Key to a Generational Shift in Negative Perceptions of Women

According to researchers, young leaders hold the key to changing the negative attitudes their peers have towards women.

Minister for Youth, Di (Die) Farmer, said that young people understand respectful relationships and positive attitudes towards women better when they take charge of domestic violence education.

Dr Heather Nancarrow, CEO of Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety, said they want the young generation to become those who end violence against women.

Fence Under Construction to Trap Wild Dogs in Western Australia

Construction of the 'wild dog fence' begins in Esperance, Western Australia, after almost 20 years of lobbying from farmers.

The 660-kilometre fence costs 11 million AUD and will be an extension of the 1170 km fence that starts at north of Kalbarri.

Scott Pickering, farmer and chair of the Esperance Biosecurity Association says in the late 1990s, the State Government stopped funding wild dog traps in the region, worsening the problem in Esperance.

Water Crisis in Rural New South Wales

Western and Central towns in New South Wales are facing a crisis in their water supplies prompting an emergency plan by water authorities.

Dubbo, Nyngan and Cobar are between some of the towns that will have to brace for their water entitlements to be reduced around a 10% which is expected to affect the agricultural production.

Executive Director of the Murray-Darling Basin authority says since July of 2018, inflows to the River Murray System have remained in the driest 7 percent of records.

Tensions Heighten in US-China Tech Wars

The United States is deliberating sanctions against Hikvision, a Chinese surveillance firm, which could potentially heighten tensions between the US and China.

The surveillance giant has been accused of facilitating Beijing’s persecution of the Uighurs, a Muslim ethnic group, in the northwestern region of Xinjiang.

The restrictions come after the US put tech company Huawei on a trade blacklist last week.

China Identified As Source Of Rise In Damaging Chemical

Scientists have identified China as the source of a recent rise a critical, o-zone-damaging chemical called CFC-11.

Chlorofluorocarbon-11, which is now banned, was commonly used as a refrigerant and to make insulation in the 1970s and 1980s.

A recent study identifies gas production in the eastern provinces of China as the cause of rise.