Babies Too Young to be Vaccinated Contracted Measles in NSW

Two babies in Sydney have contracted measles as they were too young to be vaccinated, putting New South Wales in a position where it is well on its way to breaking its highest rate of the disease in five years.

The eight-month-old and 11-month-old most likely caught the infection from two people, a backpacker in the CBD and a man in Eastwood, who reported spending time in a number of public places while being infected with measles.

QLD Infrastructure Funding on the Backburner

Funding for Queensland infrastructure has been put on the backburner in the budget despite Federal Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, announcing more than $2 billion for new projects.

The budget included $2.6 billion for new road and rail projects but Queensland Treasurer, Jackie Trad, said the majority of the funding won't be seen until the 2023-24 financial year.

Great Barrier Reef Sharks Saved by Conservationists

Conservation group Humane Society International have won a bid to stop the killing of sharks caught on drum lines in the Great Barrier Reef.

Nineteen species can no longer be shot when in protected areas if they are caught, unless it is unlikely they will survive after being released.

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal ordered the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to check 173 drum lines in the marine park more often, as well as highlighting the “overwhelming” evidence to show culling does not reduce the risk of unprovoked shark attacks.

Support Program for ICU Survivors Launched in South Australia

A new support program, Survive and Thrive, has been launched in South Australia to help ICU patients with PTSD after near death experiences.

Royal Adelaide Hospital ICU doctor Sam Gluck and a team have launched the program to allow survivors, family members, and even staff to come together to share their experiences and heal.

ICU survivor Des Perry said talking to other survivors at the support group has helped his recovery process.

Jetstar Plane Faced With Engine Problems

Both engines of a Jetstar 787 Dreamliner experienced individual faults as it was coming into land at Osaka’s Kansai International Airport.

The incident occurred mid-air and initial accounts indicate one of the aircraft’s engines experienced a sudden and unexpected surge in speed as the pilots were trying to land the plane.

Not long after this incident, another Jetstar 787 flight encountered the same problem with their engine.

Jetstar’s fleet of 11 Dreamliners are powered by engines which are manufactured by General Electric.

Grandmother Gives Birth as Surrogate For her Son and Partner

A 61-year-old woman has given birth to her own granddaughter in the United States after serving as a surrogate for her son and his husband.

Cecile Eledge was approved for surrogacy despite having already been through menopause.

The sister of Cecile’s son’s partner donated the egg, fertilised by Cecile’s son.

The couple have told media that the birth of their first child was only possible due to the “selfless woman” in their lives.


Off-duty Swedish police officer arrested a violent fugitive in a sauna

In international news, an off-duty Swedish police officer arrested a violent fugitive in a sauna while both were completely naked.

The officer, who works in the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby, reportedly recognised the man who was wanted after committing a number of drug offences and aggravated assault, making the arrest in his birthday suit.

Rinkeby deputy police Chief Christoffer Bohman says “By a coincidence, and rather amusingly, they both recognised each other in the sauna.”

New Zealand Prime Minister has wrapped up a visit with Chinese President

New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, has wrapped up a visit with Chinese President, Xi Jinping, in Beijing following a brief one-day meeting.

The two leaders appeared to clear the air after an issue following New Zealand’s decision to ban equipment from Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei from future 5G mobile networks last year.

Mr Xi called on New Zealand not to discriminate against Chinese companies during the meeting.