LNP launches sex offender register

The Queensland LNP says parents are now able to find identities of child sex offenders living in their area.

The plan is based on Western Australian and the UK models and includes defences to prevent vigilante actions against sex offenders.

The LNP believes a publicly-available sex offender register allows parents to check backgrounds of individuals who have unsupervised access to their children.

AMWU to meet with Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk to discuss workers' rights and wages

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk will meet with delegates from the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union in Brisbane today to discuss workers’ rights, and the Palaszczuk Government’s bid for the next election.

AMWU State Secretary Rohan Webb says it is “the largest assembly of AMWU delegates in Queensland and the Northern Territory and marks an unprecedented campaign by workers to fight … for wages to keep up with the cost of living.”

Tasmanian nurses unable to work due to registration issues

Nursing shortages across Tasmania are a small part of larger issues being faced by the States' Health Service sector.

Students may not be eligible to start work, despite graduating in the last year and applying for registrations up to 3 months ago, as graduates are yet to receive their registration from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Fruit fly insecticides losing effect as buzz killer

Fruit flies are beginning to build a resistance to common insecticides including the world’s most used insecticide imidacloprid.

The study led by academics from the University of Melbourne found fruit flies living in south-eastern parts of the country, including Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia are evolving to resist the effects of sprays.

Dr. Fournier-Level says agribusinesses need to look at genetic and ecological factors to manage the pest.

Fake hunters kill over 130 Muslims

More than 130 Muslims have died after gunmen disguised themselves as hunters in Mali.

The attack was allegedly in retaliation to an Al Qaeda-linked group who killed 23 soldiers.

The gunmen dressed as traditional Donzo hunters, then attacked elderly, pregnant women and children amongst other victims. 

Petition to "cancel Brexit" gains traction

More than 5 million people have signed a petition to “cancel Brexit”.

The petition calls for British Prime Minister Theresa May to stay in the European Union and set a new record for petitions hosted on the British Parliament website.

Signatures started with 800,000 on Thursday and surpassed 4 million on Saturday.

The number is still growing, and pressure for May to step down as PM is increasing.

Review: Reagan Kelly at Metro Arts

My family is pretty well adjusted, these days. We all get on well, my brothers and I have a great relationship, and my parents are the nicest people I know. But I remember a time when my two brothers and I were so in each other’s way that looking at either of them the wrong way could be cause to literally [figuratively] run for my life. I still remember, vividly, how that felt. Luckily, with hindsight I can see it as funny more than anything.

Comic book stores competing with digital retail

Amidst the ongoing rise in digital online purchasing, Brisbane’s comic book store scene is being threatened.


Within the last month, West End store Junky Comics was forced to close its doors due to online competition such as Amazon.


Junky Comics was one of few stores across Brisbane that not only stocked mainstream art and graphic novels but also fostered a community of local artists in Brisbane.