North Korea rejects claims that they requested all punishing sanctions be lifted by US.

North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho has rejected President Donald Trump’s claims that he was asked to lift all sanctions against North Korea.

The Foreign Minister stated in a news conference that only a partial lifting of sanctions was requested at the Hanoi Summit during talks between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Mr Ri also stated North Korea had offered a realistic proposal towards denuclearisation.

Australian Government advertising jobs on Christmas Island

The Australian Government have advertised health service jobs on Christmas Island, listing the benefits of the job as ‘tropical location’.


Department of Home Affairs secretary Michael Pezzullo said the government intends to send medical transfers to Christmas Island unless specialised treatment is needed that can only be provided by the mainland.


A Medevac bill passed in February will see the detention centre reopened, allowing asylum seekers on Manus and Nauru to come to Australia on the recommendation of two doctors.

US Shares Fall

US Shares have fallen despite the expansion of the GDP by 2.6 percent, according to the US Commerce Department.

The GDP missed the Trump administration's target of 3 per cent, in the face of increased government spending and $US5.1 billion in tax cuts.

Despite the US-China trade dispute, consumer spending is shown to remain strong.

Sydney Mardi Gras cleans up its act

Organisers of Sydney’s Mardi Gras Parade have announced they're phasing out the use of single-use plastics, including glitter.

Instead, organisers are encouraging floats to make use of “fairy lights, fluorescent paints and fabrics, lanterns and other light-reflecting materials.

Stephen Cotton, a chemical engineer who has helped to create bio-glitter says that compostable and biodegradable glitters are a part of the solution in tackling plastic pollution.

Palaszczuk Government program employs 18,000 Queenslanders

A Palaszczuk Government program to encourage businesses to employ more Queenslanders has reached a milestone with 18,000 people getting a job.

Minister for Employment and Small Business Shannon Fentiman said the successful Back to Work program is giving businesses the confidence they need to be able to create more local jobs.

Ms Fentiman says the Queensland Government have been committed to improving job prospects for Queenslanders, and this milestone should be celebrated.


$100k in Grants Against Sexual Violence

Queenslanders are being encouraged to get involved in activities and events in March and April aimed at helping to stamp out sexual violence in all communities.

Minister for Women Di Farmer said 24 community organisations would share in $100,000 in grants to undertake community-based projects or to develop resources to continue the conversation around sexual violence in Queensland.

Israeli Prime Minister to be Indicted due to Corruption Allegations

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to be indicted due to allegations of corruption, according to the Israeli Attorney General.

The Prime Minister is accused of accepting gifts worth up to $372 000 AUD, and faces up to 10 years in jail if convicted.

Mr Netanyahu has denied the allegations, stating that he is the victim of a “Political witch hunt”

Indian Fighter Jet Pilot to be Released by Pakistan

The pilot of an Indian fighter Jet captured on Wednesday is set to be released by Pakistan as a gesture of ‘good will’.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan says the pilot will be released on Friday, calling it a ‘peace gesture’.

The announcement has relieved minds of world leaders who feared the conflict between India and Pakistan may escalate into war.

Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Continues to Support Indigenous Businesses

New data released shows that the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games continues to support and spur growth for many Queensland Indigenous businesses.

Commonwealth Games Minister Kate Jones, says supporting Indigenous businesses was one of the key aims of the GC2018 Reconciliation Action Plan – to provide employment and training opportunities.

Indigenous businesses secured more than 14 million dollars in contracts and revenue from the Games.