Allegra Neve

Boasting youthful exuberance and a penchant for out-of-the-box creativity, Allegra Neve is a teen singer-songwriter living on a steady diet of two-minute noodles and decadent melodies. Born with songs in her heart, Allegra can't remember a time when she wasn't surrounded and inspired by music, already writing songs and performing from the ripe age of four. In the years since, Allegra Neve has continued to hone her craft, finding inspiration from varying artists and genres, as well as the dark, and sometimes surreal movies that occupy her mind. 

Cruel Loop

Cruel Loop is an EPIC sounding 3 piece rock/Alt-rock band. Proudly hailing from Brisbane, Australia.

Cruel Loop fuse elements of Jazz, rock and blues into their own hard-hitting and free-flowing tyle of music. A culmination of the trio's diverse yet connected inspirations of music.


Osska Perrett

Osska released his first single in February of twenty-twenty-three. What was a great personal accomplishment, it allowed him to join line-ups with artist he greatly admired, as-well-as accomplish his life-long dream to be played on radios both overseas and in Australia, all at the age of 15.

Soft Covers

Soft Covers are Laura, James and Dan. After kicking around in a steady stream of bands over the years: Dumb Things, People Mover, Future Haunts, among others; they found themselves with a free afternoon and a last-minute practice room vacancy. After gleefully passing some half-finished songs back and forth, they each piled on, then put the kettle on and decided to finish them. These songs formed the basis of their first cassette ‘Permanent Part Time’, recorded in the same practice room they were written in.