Flash Flooding Expected in NSW

NSW is on alert with flash flooding expected across the state, more than a month's worth of rain is likely to cause flooding along central parts of the NSW coast during the middle of this week.

Transient low pressure systems are difficult to predict ahead of time, much like their more intense and longer-lasting cousins, east coast lows.

An Initial Flood Watch was issued on yesterday afternoon for coastal rivers between the Central Coast and Illawarra, where minor to moderate river flooding is possible from tomorrow.

6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Western Iran

Over 500 are injured after a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in western Iran.

Authorities said, a magnitude 6.3 struck Iran near its border to Iraq on Sunday night, injuring more than 500 and sending residents running into the streets. According to Iranian State television, of the 500 hurt, most injuries appeared to be minor, with only 33 needing hospitalization. 

The quake hit near the community of Sarpol-e Zahab, which was the epicenter of an earthquake last year that killed more than 600 and where some still remain homeless.

Queenslanders Like The Name Of Lady Cilento Children's Hospital

A Galaxy poll has revealed a majority of Queenslanders want the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital to retain its name.

This survey finds 65 percent of people want Lady Cilento's name retained, with 52 percent wanting the hospital name to be unchanged, and 13 percent want the hospital renamed, but with Lady Cilento retained in the new title.

The poll results are the opposite to the government's flawed poll which allowed multiple votes, and half the respondents say they think the government has lied, while one third are uncommitted.

The Gifts Queensland Ministers Receive

Gifts declared by Queensland ministers in 2017 and 18 include gold shovels, a gucci scarf, a State of Origin jersey and Indigenous Art.

The items were among presents worth a total of $18,400 declared by the Premier, her ministers and the opposition leader last financial year in the Ministerial Gifts Register.

Gifts worth less than $350 may be kept by ministers and must be declared, but gifts worth more should be refused, returned or given to the ministerial branch.

Coles Has Strongest Quarter in Two Years

Coles' first Little Shop campaign, which ran from July this year, proved wildly successful, and was credited with helping the supermarket to post its strongest quarterly sales growth in two years.

Woolworths took a leaf out of its great rival's book and is now running a Christmas-themed pop-out cardboard figure promos during the crucial December trading period.

The prospect of a Christmas truce in the great supermarket collectables war has been dashed, with Coles announcing it will bring back its Little Shop toy giveaway this festive season.

NSW Firefighters Assist in Queensland Bushfire

New South Wales government has sent reinforcements to the Central Queensland coast to assist with an out-of-control bushfire between Bundaberg and Gladstone.

Temperatures in the fire-affected areas are expected to be in the 30s today and 100 firefighters from NSW’s Rural Fire Service will help battle the blaze.

35 properties are at risk and 800 residents have been told to leave as the fire draws near Deepwater. So far, 17,000 hectares of bush and farmland have been destroyed.

Mass Whale Beaching in New Zealand

More than 140 whales were found beached and stranded in New Zealand’s Mason Bay.

Discovered by a hiker on Saturday, the two full pods of pilot whales where dead or dying when conservationists arrived.

Rakiura operations manager for the New Zealand Department of Conservation, Ren Leppens says that due to the remote location, lack of nearby personal and the whale’s deteriorating condition mean the most humane thing to do was to euthanise the remaining whales.

Conflict At US/Mexico Border

Conflict at the US/Mexico border as migrants from central america arrive seeking entry into the US.

US authorities fired tear gas as migrants rushed toward the border from Tijuana, Mexico and stopped as many as 500 migrants from entering the country illegally.

This comes after thousands of Central American migrants arrived in the Mexican border city of Tijuana in recent weeks, part of caravans that travelled through Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico, largely on foot, seeking asylum from violence in the countries.