Goods labelled gluten free contain gluten

Several samples of goods found in Australian supermarkets labelled ‘gluten-free’ in fact contain gluten.

Researchers from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne found detectable gluten in almost 3% of 256 of the most commonly purchased ‘gluten-free’ manufactured foods, a study published in the Medical Journal of Australia on Monday says.

Brisbane researchers assist children with brain injuries

Brisbane researchers will commence medical trials to assist children with brain injuries through magnetic stimulation next January.

The technique uses electronic pulses to improve the communication pathways of a patient’s brain, which may have been damaged by a fall or a blow to the head.

Researchers say the development should improve movement and motor skills.

Brisbane lockout laws effective

Brisbane’s lock out laws are effectively reducing high levels of intoxication, according to a study by BMC Public Health.


Patrons now arrive earlier in the evening and have a lower blood alcohol level than before the laws were introduced in 2016.


Researchers are conducting further interviews across the state to determine long term effects of the legislation.

Against The Grain Festival

Still merely in it’s third year of existence, Against the Grain festival included a stellar lineup of interstate and local artists, lovingly curated by co-founders and all round local legends Chris Langenberg and Brodie Popple.

US Tightens Asylum Application Laws

A report published by the US Department of Homeland Security has revealed plans to disallow people who enter the country illegally from claiming asylum.

The restriction on asylum claims will seek to address what senior administration has called the historically unparalleled abuse of the US immigration system along the border with Mexico.

The measures are expected to face swift legal challenges with The American Civil Liberties Union saying that it is the right of anyone to apply for asylum regardless of where they are.

Dutch TV Personality requests to legally change his age by 20 years

Dutchman, Emile Ratelbland has taken legal action in a bid to lower his age by 20 years to increase his dating prospects. 

Mr Ratelbland has asked the court to approve his request for a new birth date that would make him 49 years of age. 

The legal action is a bid to avoid age discrimination in society, especially on dating websites. 

Michael Daley backs ABC Journalist

New South Wales Deputy Labor Leader, Michael Daley, has publicly supported journalist Ashleigh Raper, following her sexual misconduct allegations of the former leader of NSW opposition,  Luke Foley.

Daley says that Ashleigh has done the right thing by coming forward and that he believes her accusation is genuine.

A 62-year-old woman has been hit by a school bus in Tasmania

A 62-year-old woman ha been seriously injured after she was hit by a school bus in Tasmania. 

The police have confirmed that there were no children on the bus at the time and the driver is expected to be breathalyzed. 

The woman has been taken to the Royal Albert hospital with an unknown condition.