Unlawful Emails Denied Credence

3 year old emails have surfaced that reveal that the Brisbane City Council had known about ‘unlawful activities’ which involved IT staff, which Mayor Graham Quirk has denied


The emails in question were related to unfair and unlawful activities that a worker has reported whilst requesting whistleblower protection.


A Spokesperson for the Mayor's Office has said that since the worker had request whistleblower protection, the mayor had not been made aware of the situation.


Australia's on a Constant Sugar High

The Australian Medical Association is warning that some Australians are consuming ten times more than the recommended daily sugar intake.


These statistics are being blamed on high amounts of added sugars, which consumers are often unaware of. New research shows diets consisting of foods like muesli, vegetable soup, and lasagne, which are commonly considered healthy, can lead to a higher than expected sugar intake.


Australians 2nd Country to be High all the Time

Australians are the second-highest users of illicit drugs like cocaine, speed, ice, and MDMA.


The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission has released its latest wastewater drug monitoring program, which tests sewage water from across the country to identify the type of drug and how much of it is being consumed by Australians.


Between August 2016 and August 2017, more than 8 tonnes of methamphetamine, or ice, was estimated to have been consumed across the country.


New York’s Got a New Law

People born in New York City, who do not identify as male or female, can now select a third gender category of ‘X’ on their birth certificate.


Major Bill de Blasio signed the provision into law on Tuesday. This change makes New York City the the fifth place to do so, after California, Oregon, Washington state, and New Jersey.


Transgender advocates say strict male and female categories are a form of discrimination against transgender people, because it labels them against their will.


China introduces brainwashing!

The regional government within China's XinJiang (shin-jung) Region has approved the introduction of ‘Re-education centres’ in attempts to quell terrorism,


The education centres aims to convert people who have been influenced by extremism through the use of ‘thought education’


These new changes come as the region has received mounting criticism regarding its detention of regional muslim populations as well as brainwashing under the phrase ‘educational transformation’.

Chinese spy not so good at spying

A Chinese spy has been charged by the US federal government with economic espionage charges related to United states aviation secrets.


The spy, Yanjun Xu of the Ministry of State Security is accused of attempting to steal trade secrets from the US’s leading defence aviation firms.


The apprehension of the spy comes as US law enforcement has come under fire in recent years for indictments of enemy operatives not leading to courtroom proceedings, as the Chinese spy will be brought to the United States to face charges.  


Kenya Bus Crash

51 people were killed in a bus crash in Western Kenya on Wednesday morning, when the bus they were travelling on overturned and its roof was ripped off.


According to police, the bus was travelling from Nairobi to Kakamega and that 52 passengers on board.


Official statistics show that 3,000 people die annually in road accidents in Kenya. However, the World Health Organisation suggests it could be as high as 12,000.

Indigenous Children in despair

Indigenous children and youth experience a ‘concerning level of despair’ compared to their non-Indigenous peers, according to an annual survey by Mission Australia.


The survey reveals that Indigenous children are far more likely to have fears about personal safety, drugs, bullying, and discrimination and that nearly one in 10 Indigenous people feel “very sad” about life overall, compared to only one in 50 non-Indigenous people.


Peter Dutton calls for Orwellian powers

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has warned security agencies that they are losing touch with terrorists and criminals who are using more advanced and encrypted means of communication


In response to advancing encrypted communication, Dutton has called for services such as whatsapp and Wickr to had over message exchanges when asked or the likelihood of terrorist apprehensions will decreases dramatically