Decommission of Japan reactor begins

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency has begun decommissioning the Monju fast breeder reactor in Tsuruga, a process expected to take 30 years.

Monju reached criticality for the first time in 1994, with a series of problems following this before the reactor was decommissioned in 2016.

Nuclear Regulation Authority Chairman Toyoshi Fuketa says they want to proceed with the work with a sense of tension, with top priority placed on safety over schedule.


Far-right protests in Germany over immigration

Violent protests have erupted on the streets of Chemnitz, Germany, following the arrest of two people believed to be poorly handled by officials.

In response to the arrests, mobs began randomly attacking people they took to be foreigners.

The protestors are calling for tighter anti-immigration laws by Saxony state president and the Merkel party who have been accused of not doing enough for the region.


Cricket Australia wins Golden Earnie award

Cricket Australia has won an infamous award for the past year’s most sexist comment in Australian public life.

The Ernie Award, which has been running since 1982, was awarded to Cricket Australia after the organisation sacked an employee over her tweets on abortion.

It is reported that the sacked employee, Angela Williamson, is planning to sue Cricket Australia for unfair dismissal.


Au pairs held up by Border Force

More informations has emerged on Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton's intervention in the visa cases of foreign au pairs held up by the Border Force.

Not only did Mr Dutton pull favours for AFL boss Gillon McLachlan’s au pair, he also acted for his former colleagues at the Queensland Police Service.

Mr Dutton has defended his actions, saying all cases were assessed individually based on their merits.


Wasps versus Aircrafts

There has been at least 15 incidents of wasps preventing flights taking off at Brisbane Airport in the last decade, with 4 planes returning due to sensor probes being blocked by wasps nests.

The report by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau says while passengers have been alarmed at the risks posed by wasps, the airport’s pest control program remains the most effective measure against interference.

Brisbane Airport’s pest control management programs were reviewed and reformed in 2015 following the headaches insects have posed for airlines.

Warmest and driest winter on record

The Bureau of Meteorology is predicting a dry spring for Regional Queensland, leaving farmers in a tough position in the coming months.

Dr Anthony Watkins from the weather bureau says Queensland has had “average to well-below-average” rainfall across the state this winter.

Lack of rain combined with increasing temperatures makes this winter one of the warmest and driest on record.

New Dams Could Equal New Opportunity

The construction of three dams along the Mitchell River in far-north Queensland could support as much as 14,000 hectares of year-round crop irrigation, according to a new CSIRO report.

Resources Minister Senator Matthew Canavan said the far north could become a major food production centre, bringing significant economic benefits to the region—reaping a direct benefit of $700 million, an economy-wide benefit of $1.5 million and the generation of 7,000 jobs.

Tamil asylum seeker dies in Logan hospital

A Tamil asylum seeker, admitted to Logan hospital suffering severe depression, has died days after attempting to take his own life.

The man, who leaves behind a wife and four children in Sri Lanka, arrived in Australia by boat in 2012.

He was among the first group of asylum seekers sent to Nauru by the Labor government under Prime Minister Julia Gillard.


For 24/7 crisis support or suicide prevention services, please call 13 11 14. If life is in danger, call 000.

Aboriginal leader describes Tony Abbott as a punishment

Aboriginal leaders are dismayed and disappointed by the proposal to appoint Tony Abbott as special envoy on Indigenous affairs to the Federal Government.

Co-chair of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples, Jackie Huggins said there is a feeling of deflation among the Indigenous community.

Ms Huggins described Mr Abbott’s appointment as an act of punishment to Indigenous affairs, and as the result of a paternalistic government who do not care about the Indigenous community.