Lloyd Spiegel: Backroads

- Backroads is the ninth album released by Lloyd Spiegel. Generally known for acoustic blues music, Backroads is more guttural blues and an honest raw account of his life. Spiegel has made a shift back to electric guitar which he has not done since being a teenager and I can tell he's had a lot of fun playing with the sound. Lloyd worked with Cole Clark Guitars creating a new design specifically for this recording that will allow and enhance his own style.

Backwards needs to be recognised as a stand alone album, quite distinct from previous work.

The Presets: Hi Viz

- Can an album’s name give someone a sense of trepidation? That the nomenclature chosen for a particular release can prejudice a listener before the first track drops on their speakers? Yes, it can.

Lehmann B. Smith: Popular Music

- I want to say, no! You can’t have another Lehmann B. Smith record until you go back and finish the last one. Perennially underhearlded, now sending out a seventh, lovingly crafted full-length into a cold and uncaring world, it’s time to say: is it a problem with him, or is it you? Yeah it’s you.

Actress X LCO: Lageos

- Actress has always been an ambiguous and exploratory endeavour for Darren Jordan Cunningham as his discography to date listens as a continual reach beyond the artist and their subseq uent hardware.

4ZZZ Top 20

1. Hatchie - Sugar & Spice EP

2. VOIID - Not For You (Single)

3. Port Royal - Rock & Roll Is Dead (Single)

4. Terra Pines - Terra Pines

5. Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel

6. An Horse - Get Out Somehow (Single)

7. Bad Bangers - Hooray For Everything EP

8. The Dollar Bill Murrays - The Shape You Take (Single)

9. Flangipanis - Always The Bridesmaid

10. Regurgitator - Don't Stress / Light Me On Fire (Single)

11. BATZ - Save Us (Single)

12. Emily Wurramara - Milyakburra

Brisbane road toll rises over the weekend

The road toll has risen to 97 over the weekend following two accidents caused by drivers on the wrong side of the road.


The two fatal head-on collisions occurred within 24 hours, with a ute hitting a car on the Gateway Motorway followed by a two-car incident on the Pacific Motorway south of Brisbane.


The Forensic Investigation Unit is investigating both accidents, with drug and alcohol as the focus.  

Trendy diets cause eating disorders says expert

The Queensland Eating Disorder Service at Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital is experiencing an increase in demand for services due to casualties from trendy diets such as paleo.


Associate professor Warren Ward says there is a significant risk of causing an eating disorder if people cut out major food groups.


For help, contact The Eating Issues Centre on 3844 6055 to help provide information and support.