200 horses dead northern Arizona

200 horses have been found dead in a Navajo region in northern Arizona.

Navajo Nation Vice President Jonathan Nez says these animals were searching for water to stay alive. In the process, they unfortunately burrowed themselves into the mud and couldn't escape because they were so weak.

Furthermore Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye state this tragic incident exemplifies the problem the Navajo Nation faces in an overpopulation of feral horses while horses dying at the Gray Mountain stock pond isn't new. It's a seasonal issue.

Australia fuel security review

Australia’s fuel reserves will be reviewed by the Turnbull government to guarantee reliability stocks supplies.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull described the review is going ensure “good housekeeping” however, Fair Media reports Australia has declining deserves of a 22-day supply of crude oil, 59 days of LPG, 20 days of petrol, 19 days of aviation fuel and 21 days of diesel.

The International Energy Agency expects countries to keep a 90-day supply but Australia has just under 50 days.

Funding restructure causes concern for the Mental Health industry.

Redirection of funding for the NDIS in Victoria has seen money being taken away from mental health services.

Mental Health Victoria estimates that 11,000 people will now be left without support from specialist health workers.

The change comes in a saga of challenges between the NDIS and people with mental health problems, many of which do not qualify as recipients of the Scheme because their illness is not categorised as a lifelong disability.

Brisbane children voting in European Film Awards

Today for the first time ever Australia will take part in the European Film Awards’ Young Audience Award.

30 Brisbane children will meet at Griffith Film School in South Brisbane to collectively watch, discuss and vote alongside their European peers to select and announce a winner from three nominated films.

The Australian panel of the Young Audience Award is led by the Asia Pacific Screen Awards, the region’s highest accolade in film.

Smoking is the biggest killer of Victorian youth

The Australian Burden of Disease Study data reveals smoking is killing Victorians as young as 30.

The myth cigarettes just claim old people was debunked after new analysis data shows almost 180 Victorians aged 30 to 49 died from tobacco-related diseases in 2011.

Quit Victoria director Dr Sarah White believes public education campaigns are essential to educate people about the serious risks associated with smoking and not be fooled by businesses’ marketing campaigns.

Exercise to be prescribed to cancer patients

Leading health organisations are calling for exercise to be prescribed to all cancer patients as standard part of their care.

A groundbreaking position statement released today has endorsed exercise as the best medicine for counteracting the effect of cancer and its treatment.

Professor Prue Cormie from the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia says if the benefits of exercise could be captured in a pill, everyone should have it.

Activists Halt Beef Week

A group of activists have locked on to the fences of a slaughterhouse near Toowoomba coinciding with ‘Beef Week’.

Several people disrupted the feedlot for JBS Beef City, the biggest meat company in Queensland, with police being called to block the protestors.

Animal Liberation Queensland spokesperson Mr Chay Neal says they hope the action encourages the community to explore the consequences and their relationship with mass-beef consumption.

Bridgewater Bridge set to replaced

$460 million will be placed in the federal budget to build a new Bridgewater Bridge.

The Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities, Paul Fletcher, says it's a vital connection just north of Hobart and critical if you're travelling on the Midland Highway between Hobart and Launceston.

Additionally the federal government has allocated another $400 million for road services packages.


Researchers find secret tomb does not exist

Egyptian authorities have finished their quest to discover a secret chamber in the tomb of does not exist.

Officials previously said they were "90% sure" of a hidden room behind the wall of the boy king's famous 3,000-year-old tomb.

The search for the hidden tomb began when English archaeologist Nicholas Reeves, discovered what looked like faint traces, or "ghosts", of doors beneath the plaster.

New research, however, has concluded the chamber is not there.