All AFL finals to be protected by anti-scalping laws

The Victorian parliament has passed new laws to curtail the practice of “scalping”, purchasing tickets and then on-selling them at higher prices.

The new laws will allow event organisers to apply for “declared event” status.

Onselling tickets will still be permitted in some instances, but organisations that resell tickets for more than 10% of their official price will face heavy penalties.

Bill Shorten to deliver budget reply tonight

Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is due to give his Budget Reply speech tonight, where he is expected to lay out an alternative vision for tax reform in Australia.

Labor has agreed to back the Government’s first set of tax cuts, focused on low and middle-income earners, but seems set to disagree on the second phase, which would put most Australian workers in the same tax bracket.

South-east Queensland’s unfunded critical infrastructure projects

Six of south-east Queensland's most critical infrastructure projects received funding in the 2018 federal budget, but bus, rail and road projects are yet to be financed.

The unfunded critical projects include the Brisbane Valley Highway upgrade between Blacksoil and Blackbutt, the Manly to Cleveland rail duplication, the eastern busway to Capalaba and the Mt Lindesay Highway upgrade business case.

Developer Unveils Temporary CBD Carparks

A three tower development on George St by the Shayher Group plans to make available up to 631 casual parking spaces during the planning and construction phase of their project.

Known as Brisbane Quarter, the mixed-use precinct will have an office, hotel, and residential tower, with the hotel first scheduled to be completed in June this year.

The spaces, which would only be temporary during construction, currently scheduled to finish in 2021, would be paid and managed by Wilsons.

Dog Chocolate: Moody Balloon Baby

- Dog Chocolate is an achingly fun punk punk band from the UK. They’re three records deep into what has to been an astounding feat of dedication to their introspective, socially-conscious but non-committal punk comedy. Their new LP, Moody Balloon Baby, presents a somewhat more sophisticated shift towards social self-consciousness, pitted against an even more distinct and evasively comical approach to everyday life and social justice.

Blank Realm: Last Seen

- These days if you were to describe Blank Realm as a band “...with one foot in the rustic free improvisation mindset … and the other in a more ethereal, drugged space” (thankyou Mess+Noise), most of their fans would just say “what?” Yet circa 2010, as BR spilled off of smudgy CD-Rs and on to their first vinyl, Brisbane’s experimental pop darlings were a very different band.

4ZZZ Top 20

1. WAAX - Labrador (Single)

2. Terra Pines - Kidult (Single)

3. G Elenil - Kin EP

4. Alice Skye - Friends With Feelings

5. Blank Realm - Last Seen

6. Tropical Fuck Storm - A Laughing Death In Meatspace

7. Nice Biscuit - Fairfield Of Dreams (Single)

8. Gabriella Cohen - Music Machine (Single)

9. 100% - New All (Single)

10. Whalehouse - Sexy Whale Beach Party (Single)

11. DZ Deathrays - Bloody Lovely

12. Suss Cunts - Temper EP

13. The Goon Sax - She Knows (Single)

Croc rips off arm of bride-to-be

A bride-to-be lost her arm to a crocodile in South Africa, five days before her wedding.


The woman’s husband punched the 2.5 meter reptile repeatedly to save her, but her arm was only freed when the croc did a death roll and ripped her arm off.


The wedding went ahead as planned - minus a limb - and the couple says it was a miracle to say their vows after the traumatic experience.

Buses continue to burn in Italy

Another public bus has burst into flames in Rome but no one is thinking of blaming terrorism.


Raffaella Menichini, a journalist for Italian Newspaper La Repubblica, said on social media that people are so quick to blame the cities transport authority but not terrorism.


This marks the ninth bus fire this year.

Furries furious over bad reputation

The Furry community is trying to shake their so called bad reputation.


Community members say they are unfairly judged and misunderstood as media have portrayed them negatively in unsavoury articles.


Furry Down Under chairperson Christine Bradshaw says sexual connotations are the main issue and wants people to know there is a lot more to the Furry community than what many believe.