Parents Suffering Costs of Children On Feeding Tubes

The Federal Government has been called to step in and contribute to costs that parents with sick children on feeding tubes are faced with.

It costs $50 to reinsert a feeding tube after a baby pulls it out, with many parents having to spend upwards of $300 per week on replacements.

In some cases, the National Disability Insurance Agency can help, but only if the condition is classified as a disability.


AMP Boss Steps Down

AMP boss Craig Meller has handed in his resignation, after a series of scandals were revealed about him at the banking royal commission.

Meller is the first major casualty of the commission, after admitting to charging clients for advice they never received and lying to the corporate watchdog about it.

The company has identified more than fifteen thousand customers were charged incorrect fees and have now been refunded $4.7 million dollars.

First Indigenous Rangers on Fraser Island

Fraser Island will get their first Indigenous rangers, with State Government confirming it will provide funding to the Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation to fill the positions.

Four Indigenous rangers will work alongside rangers from the Department of Parks and Wildlife, focusing on preserving Indigenous cultural values, weed management, and maintaining the islands facilities.

Butchulla man Luke Barrowcliffe says this is a great opportunity to get Indigenous people living and working on country again.

Commonwealth Games Facial Recognition to Stay

The Queensland Government won’t reveal what future use it has in mind for facial recognition software, which was put in place for the Commonwealth Games.

Civil liberties campaigners say that the Government’s refusal to reveal their future plans for the software is a disturbing development in mass surveillance.

Recently, facial recognition software was reportedly used by Chinese authorities to identify a man in a crowd of 60,000 concert-goers.